Error installing Paypal SDK Xamarin


I'm trying to install the Paypal SDK (1.7.0) and I get the following error:


Could not install package 'PayPalCoreSDK 1.7.0'. You are trying to   install this package into a project that targets   'portable-net45 + win + MonoTouch10 + MonoAndroid10 + xamarinmac20 + xamarinios10',   but the package does not contain any assembly references or content   files that are compatible with that framework. For more information,   contact the package author.

Has it happened to you? Can you help me?

By the way, my current profile is as follows

asked by pacocampo 19.02.2016 в 00:02

1 answer


The problem is that apparently the paypal dll is not PCL , therefore you could not add it, instead you can use the PayPal Plugin for Xamarin.Forms ( Here is documentation ) or use API Rest from paypal

answered by 19.02.2016 в 01:04