I created a fadeout animation to navigate between pages. Apparently everything works but a strange error occurs. When the page loads and the animation starts, the CSS "breaks" and adds a blank space to the right, leaving something like that.
When the animation ends it returns to its normal state. In the image there is a login page that occupies the whole screen.
Animation is like this
import {
} from "@angular/animations";
export const fadeAnimation = trigger("fadeAnimation", [
transition('* => *', [
query(':enter', [style({ position:'fixed',opacity: 0 }) ], { optional: true }),
query(':leave', [ animate('3s ease-in-out', style({position:'fixed', opacity: 0 })) ], { optional: true }),
query(':enter', [ animate('3s ease-in-out', style({position:'fixed', opacity: 1 })) ], { optional: true })
Does anyone know why this can happen?