I have a table with 5 columns ...
I search the database through the following line where $ search contains the search criteria that I want to make.
$sql=("SELECT * FROM bdfo WHERE piso LIKE '%$buscar%' OR sala LIKE
'%$buscar%' OR fila LIKE '%$buscar%' OR posicion_de_fila LIKE
'%$buscar%' OR usuario LIKE '%$buscar%'" );
If in my input variable "03", it shows me exactly the rows that contain this record, in the same way for each of the columns.
So far everything is going well, what I need when I enter the variable "03 T 102A ..." shows me the same results to decrease the records in the table.
Thank you!
What happens is the following .. When I perform a search with the following line, I get the following result.
$ sql = ("SELECT * FROM bdfo WHERE floor LIKE '% $ search%' OR room LIKE '% $ search%' OR row LIKE '% $ search%' OR position_of_yellow LIKE '% $ search%' OR user LIKE '% $ search%' ");
What I want is that when performing the next more specific search show me results