Encrypt data via URL in Visual Basic.net


I am sending data by URL of a form to any page, but the problem is that on that page your url that receives the data is NOT encrypted.

This is my code:

Response.Redirect("SimuladorExamen.aspx?dni=" & Server.UrlEncode(txtDNI.Text) & "&apellidoPaterno=" & Server.UrlEncode(txtApellidoPaterno.Text) & "&apellidoMaterno=" & Server.UrlEncode(txtApellidoMaterno.Text) + "&nombreCompleto=" & Server.UrlEncode(txtNombres.Text), False)

As you can see, I'm setting the Server.UrlEncode and nothing.

And with this I receive them on the other page:

Dim dni As String = Request.QueryString(Server.UrlDecode("dni")).ToString
Dim nombreCompleto As String = Request.QueryString(Server.UrlDecode("nombreCompleto")).ToString
Dim apellidoPaterno As String = Request.QueryString(Server.UrlDecode("apellidoPaterno")).ToString
Dim apellidoMaterno As String = Request.QueryString(Server.UrlDecode("apellidoMaterno")).ToString

Best regards.

asked by Gian Franco Alexis Poma Vidal 20.12.2018 в 22:21

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