Someone of you had problems with servers when implementing the library html2pdf
Localhost works perfectly, but when uploading to the server it does not work, someone could guide me
annex the following
require_once "funciones.php";
$link = Conectarse();
$idform = $_GET['idform'];
$sql = sprintf("SELECT * FROM formato WHERE id = '%s'",$idform);
$formato = $link->query($sql);
$formato = mysqli_fetch_assoc($formato);
$mes = array("01"=>"ENERO", "02"=>"FEBRERO", "03"=>"MARZO", "04"=>"ABRIL", "05"=>"MAYO", "06"=>"JUNIO", "07"=>"JULIO", "08"=>"AGOSTO", "09"=>"SEPTIEMBRE", "10"=>"OCTUBRE", "11"=>"NOVIEMBRE", "12"=>"DICIEMBRE");
$sql1 = "SELECT nombre FROM cog where id ='".$formato['id_cog']."'";
$result = $link->query($sql1);
$desc = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);
#Contenido x
$sql2 = "SELECT nombre,director FROM oficinas where id ='".$formato['id_oficina']."'";
$datos = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result1);
$html2pdf = new HTML2PDF('P','A4','es','UTF-8');
** I appreciate your recommendations or if someone knows a bookstore that works better **