Searching on the subject (not verified), you can control it with the module modsecurity
If your server does not have it enabled by default, How to install and configure modsecurity
Try the following code that establishes 3 failed attempts for each unique IP, if it fails in more than 3 attempts, the IP will be blocked for 10 minutes.
<LocationMatch /sessions>
# Uncomment to troubleshoot
#SecDebugLogLevel 9
#SecDebugLog /tmp/troubleshooting.log
# Enforce an existing IP address block
SecRule IP:bf_block "@eq 1" \
msg:'IP address blocked because of suspected brute-force attack'"
# Check that this is a POST
SecRule REQUEST_METHOD "@streq POST" "phase:5,chain,t:none,nolog,pass"
# AND Check for authentication failure and increment counters
# NOTE this is for a Rails application, you probably need to customize this
SecRule RESPONSE_STATUS "^200" \
# Check for too many failures from a single IP address. Block for 10 minutes.
SecRule IP:bf_counter "@ge 3" \
"phase:5,pass,t:none, \
You can specify access attempts before the IP is blocked.
SecRule IP:bf_counter "@ge 3" \
and the blocking time in seconds (600 seconds = 10 minutes)
Excerpted from: Brute Force Authentication Protection with ModSecurity (English)