Hello everyone knows how to delete the letters that are put in the input type date, so that it remains blank as an input typo text ?
There in the picture is what I need please read it.
You can apply javascript using the following statement
document.getElementById('id de tu input).innerHtml = "";
Another way using javascript, is using the name of the input
document.getElementByName('name asociado a tu input).innerHtml ="";
It can also be done by jquery
$("#id del input").val("");
Another option, which occurs to me without having to program is to delete the placeholder from the html element I hope to be of help, greetings
you can remove the placeholder element from your input type date
::-webkit-datetime-edit-day-field:not([aria-valuenow]) {
color: transparent;
<input type=date>
The effect to realize that is called "placeholder" that basically assigns a false text to the input.
<input type="text"; placeholder="Fecha Doc."></input>