I would like to know if the following is possible:
I want to create a class that references several ws and that in the class has the properties that in the majority of the services use the same variables ...
public class wsProcedimientos
//******** Propiedades *****************
public string Usuario { get; set; }
public string PwdService { get; set; }
public FileStream ArchivoAid { get; set; }
public string NumeroDocumento { get; set; }
//******** Metodos *****************
void wsReferenciado1()...
//*** Aca instanciar ws1 y realizar acciones
void wsReferenciado2(string User, string pwdService)...
//*** Aca instanciar ws2 y realizar acciones
void wsReferenciado3(string User, string pwdService, FileStream archivoAid )...
//*** Aca instanciar ws3 y realizar acciones
void wsReferenciado4(string User, string pwdService, NumeroDocumento)...
//*** Aca instanciar ws4 y realizar acciones
When instantiating this class, the object must have the behavior that only the service I am using (depending on the case) takes, for example:
wsProcedimientos wsP = new wsProcedimientos();
var response = wsP.wsReferenciado2(strUsr, strPwd)
As a reference several ws is it probable that a load of the ws that is required to be used at the time of instantiation will be made? I'm new with wcf