Deposit several selected users one by one in database,


The problem that occurs is the following I have a table with checkbox, I click on several to be sent with a file that you select, by clicking on the button to upload file to each user that you select in the view . This is the controller's method. which takes the data to the database and saves it but I do not know how I could do it one by one and I've been stuck on that.

public function store(Request $request)
            $cliente = $request->input('cliente');
            $proyecto = $request->input('proyecto');
            $calendario = $request->input('Calendario');
            $fecha = $request->input('fecha');
            $anno = $request->input('anno');
            $document = $request->file('link');
            $file_name = time().$document->getClientOriginalName();
            $request->file('link')->storeAs('boletines', $file_name);


        $file = new File();
        $file->cliente = $cliente;
        $file->proyecto = $proyecto;
        $file->fecha = $fecha;
        $file->anno = $anno;
        $file->calendario = $calendario;
        $file->name = $document->getClientOriginalName();
        $file->link = $file_name;
        $lista = array();
        $add = array($file);
        foreach ($add as $clave) {
           $array =  explode(',',$clave);


        Session::flash('Exito','Boletin Guardado');
        return Redirect::to('/Admin/file/create');


The view would be this                            customers                       

      <div class="busqueda" id="busqueda-clientes">
      <div class="buscador">
        <input type="search" title="Escriba Para Buscar" id="buscar-clientes" placeholder="Buscar">
    <div class="scroll" style="height:90%;overflow: auto;">
        <table class="table table-bordered table-striped" id="dtDynamicVerticalScroll">
           <tbody id="dtDynamicVerticalScroll">
              <th><input type="checkbox"  onclick="toggle(this)" style=" left:" /></th> <!--check que checked todos-->       
              <th>Seleccionar todos</th>
                @foreach($clients as $client)  
                   <td  id="{{$client->id}}" title="{{$client->nombre}}" ><input id="client{{$client->id}}" type="checkbox" class="valor trigger"  name="checkit"  value="{{$client->id}}" data-id="{{$client->id}}" id="{{$client->id}}">
                    <b class="maxi" data-id="{{$client->id}}" id="{{$client->id}}"  >{{$client->nombre}}</b> 
                      @foreach($proyecto as $pro)
                         @if($client->id == $pro->cliente)
                          <div id="tablaescondida" class="letableu{{$client->id}}" style="display: none">
                            <div class="content-table">
                              <table class="table table-bordered table-striped" id="dtDynamicVerticalScroll">
                                <tbody id="dtDynamicVerticalScroll"> 
                                        <input type="checkbox" class="g" name="valorproducto" value="{{$pro->id}}" id="pro{{$pro->id}}">   

She is placed by clicking on the check in a

      <input type="text"     name="fecha" hidden="hidden"   id="textofecha" >   
      <input type="text" name="anno" hidden="hidden" id="textoann" placeholder="anno"> 
       <textarea type="text"  rows="2"    hidden="hidden" id="textosid"      name="cliente[]" ></textarea>
        <textarea type="text" rows="2"  hidden="hidden" id="textproyecto"  name="proyecto[]"></textarea>

What I have not been able to achieve is the following when clicking on the checks, let's say I have users 1, 2, 3, 4 with projects 2, 1, 5, 6 for example and in and upload a file what It happens that I occupy that it is of the following way, let's say that in the table of the database it has to go this way when it selects the 4 users                          This is the table and that way I would have to stay                          **

  • row 1 client 1 project 2, file 1 row 2 client 2 project 1, file 1 row 3 client 3 project 5, file 1 row 4 client 4 project 6, file 1


asked by Ricardo Rojas 22.11.2018 в 18:48

1 answer


you can do it like this:
note: your input type checkbox must have the name as an example array:

<input type="checkbox" name="cliente[]">

and the php would be left then so

public function store(Request $request)
            $cliente = $request->input('cliente');
            $proyecto = $request->input('proyecto');
            $calendario = $request->input('Calendario');
            $fecha = $request->input('fecha');
            $anno = $request->input('anno');
            $document = $request->file('link');
            $file_name = time().$document->getClientOriginalName();
            $request->file('link')->storeAs('boletines', $file_name);


        $file = new File();
      foreach($cliente as $cli){

           $file->name = $document->getClientOriginalName();
           $file->proyecto = $proyecto;
           $file->fecha = $fecha;
           $file->anno = $anno;
           $file->calendario = $calendario;
           $file->link = $document;
           $file->cliente = $cli;
        Session::flash('Exito','Boletin Guardado');
        return Redirect::to('/Admin/file/create');


for each client assuming%% of your checkbox will enter a record with checkbox 1,2,3 but with the other data equal

answered by 22.11.2018 / 19:17