Bar Graph with Google Chart, PHP and Mysql


I have the following arrangement emanating from a query in Mysql:

I need to create a graphic in google charts in the following way:

I need, please, a technical guidance on how to configure google chart, in PHP, to show the graph in that way with the data extracted from the query. Thanks

the code I have used is the following:

<script type="text/javascript">
      google.charts.load("current", {packages:["corechart"]});
      function drawChart() {
        var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([
          ['municipio'. 'estatus', 'SUBTOTAL'],
               while ($filas = $res->fetch_assoc()){
               echo "['".$row['municipio']."','".$row['estatus']."', ".$row['SUBTOTAL']."],";
               //echo "['".$filas["estatus"]."', ".$filas["SUBTOTAL"]."],";     


        var options = {
          title: 'Estatus de Reportes por Municipios',
          is3D: true,

        var chart = new google.visualization.ColumnChart(document.getElementById('piechart_3d'));
        chart.draw(data, options);


/////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////// This Script:

  $dbHost = 'localhost';
  $dbUsername = 'root';
  $dbPassword = '';
  $dbName = 'redes';

  $db = new mysqli($dbHost, $dbUsername, $dbPassword, $dbName);
  $query3 ="SELECT municipio, servicio_periferico.servicio as SERVICIO, estatus, count(estatus) as SUBTOTAL FROM reporte, estatus,servicio_periferico, municipio 
        WHERE AND AND 
        idmunicipio = AND
        MONTH(fecha_recibido) = month(curdate()) and
        year(fecha_recibido) = year(curdate())
        GROUP by municipio, estatus
$res = mysqli_query($db,$query3);
           if($res->num_rows > 0){
             while($row = $res->fetch_assoc()){
                 echo "['".$row['municipio']."','".$row['estatus']."', ".$row['SUBTOTAL']."],";
                echo "</br>";

throws me the following fix:

The idea is to assemble this arrangement in such a way, using the Google chart, that it allows me to obtain a graphic in this way:

asked by HGarcia 06.12.2018 в 18:35

1 answer


It is necessary to group the data when crossing them so that it shows them as you want, grouped by municipality.

Considering that you get the results ordered by municipality and in each municipality first the asset and then the resolved, you build the data to show municipality - active - solved in each case of the x axis.

<script type="text/javascript">
          google.charts.load("current", {packages:["corechart"]});
          function drawChart() {
            var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([
              ['municipio', 'activo', 'resuelto']
                  $municipio ="";
                   while ($row = $res->fetch_assoc()){
                   if ($municipio != $row['municipio']) {
                       //si es un nuevo municipio mostramos municipio y el activo
                       $municipio = $row['municipio'];
                       echo ",['".$row['municipio']."',".$row['SUBTOTAL'].";
                    } else {
                       // mostramos el valor del resuelto
                       echo ",".$row['SUBTOTAL']."]";


            var options = {
              title: 'Estatus de Reportes por Municipios',
              is3D: true,

            var chart = new google.visualization.ColumnChart(document.getElementById('piechart_3d'));
            chart.draw(data, options);


The other option would be to modify how you get the results to fit the graph. I hope it serves you.

answered by 06.12.2018 в 19:49