Conversion from string DEF to type Date is not valid

  • I have an application made on that runs on Windows 2000 Server

  • In a form I have 2 inputs that receive dates, (Start Date and End Date)

  • When I make the respective query with the Initial and Final dates, if you return the result of the query, however, it shows me the following error message:

    "Conversion from string DEF to type Date is not valid.".

    I think that you are not making the correct conversions of what you receive in the variable dates

    start = startdate.Text  //Fecha Inicial
    end1 = enddate.Text     //Fecha Final

    The result of the query shows it, but without taking into account these color configurations

    Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(y).BackColor = Drawing.Color.Yellow
                                Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(y + 1).BackColor = Drawing.Color.Yellow
                                Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(y + 2).BackColor = Drawing.Color.Yellow

    That is, it is not entering into these conditions; painting in yellow indicates that when an employee is given a LOW, he must show the record or the column with his employee's data in YELLOW color.

    If (Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(y).Text.Substring(0, 3) = "BJA") Then
                                    Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(y).BackColor = Drawing.Color.Yellow
                                    Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(y + 1).BackColor = Drawing.Color.Yellow
                                    Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(y + 2).BackColor = Drawing.Color.Yellow

    Full Frontend of the application: ASP-NET Form

    Part of the form

    Fecha de Inicio <asp:TextBox ID="startdate" runat="server"></asp:TextBox><br /> <cc1:CalendarExtender ID="Calendar1" runat="server" TargetControlID="startdate"> </cc1:CalendarExtender> Fecha final <asp:TextBox ID="enddate" runat="server"></asp:TextBox> <cc1:CalendarExtender ID="Calendar2" runat="server" TargetControlID="enddate"> </cc1:CalendarExtender>

    Backend of the application

    Imports System.Data
    Imports System.Data.SqlClient
    Partial Class _Default
        Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
        Dim a As Buayacorp.WebControls.DgToExcel
        Dim dt As DataTable
        Dim RowsCount As Integer = 10
        Dim i As Integer
        Dim start As Date
        Dim end1 As Date
        Dim dr As DataRow
        Dim dataa As SqlDataAdapter
        Dim datas As New DataSet
        Dim reader As SqlDataReader
        Dim fbaja As SqlDataReader
        Dim DataSet As DataSet
        Dim connString As New String("Data Source=;User ID=ko;Password=12345678;initial catalog=bdd;")
        Dim conn As New SqlConnection(connString)
        Dim conn2 As New SqlConnection(connString)
        Dim cmd As SqlCommand
        Dim groupin As String
        Dim aux As String
        Dim aux2 As String
        Dim aux3 As String
        Dim sql As String
        Dim flag As Integer = 0
        Dim flag2 As Integer = 0
        Public cont As Integer
        Public group(24) As String
        Private Function GetMyTable(ByVal TableName As String) As DataTable
            dt = New DataTable(TableName)
            start = Convert.ToDateTime("1 " & startdate.Text)
            end1 =  Convert.ToDateTime("1 " & enddate.Text)
            flag = 1
            While start <= end1
                dt.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("ENTRADA:" & start, GetType(String)))
                dt.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("SALIDA:" & start, GetType(String)))
                dt.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("HORAS:" & start, GetType(Integer)))
                aux = ""
                aux = aux & " SELECT idclave,right(MIN(fechaEntrada),7) ENTRADA, "
                aux = aux & " right(MAX(fechaSalida),7) SALIDA, "
                aux = aux & " (datediff(n,min(fechaentrada)"
                aux = aux & " ,max(fechasalida)))/60  HORAS"
                aux = aux & " FROM(tblAsistencia)"
                aux = aux & " WHERE(CONVERT(char(10),fechaEntrada, 101) = CONVERT(char(10), DATEADD(day, - " & flag & ",CONVERT(datetime, '" & end1 & "')), 101)) "
                aux = aux & " group by idclave "
                reader = data(aux)
                dr = dt.NewRow()
                dr("ENTRADA:" & start) = reader.Item(2)
                dr("SALIDA:" & start) = reader.Item(2)
                dr("HORAS:" & start) = reader.Item(2)
                start = DateAdd(DateInterval.Day, 1, start)
                flag = flag + 1
            End While
            ' dt.Rows.Add(dr)
            Return dt
        End Function
        Public Sub ScriptError(ByVal m As String)
            'Incluye el script para mostrar los errores en el cliente
            Response.Write("<script language=""Javascript"">" & vbCrLf)
            Response.Write("window.alert('" & m & "');")
        End Sub 'ScriptError()
        Function data(ByVal str As String) As SqlDataReader
            cmd = New SqlCommand()
            cmd.Connection = conn
            cmd.CommandTimeout = 3000
            cmd.CommandText = str
            data = cmd.ExecuteReader
        End Function
        Function data2(ByVal str As String) As SqlDataReader
            cmd = New SqlCommand()
            cmd.Connection = conn2
            cmd.CommandTimeout = 1000
            cmd.CommandText = str
            data2 = cmd.ExecuteReader
        End Function
        Public Function conecta(ByVal str As String) As DataSet
                dataa = New SqlDataAdapter(str, connString)
                datas = New DataSet
                conecta = datas
            End Try
        End Function
        Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
            If Not IsPostBack Then
                Dim aux As String
                larea.DataTextField = "descripcion"
                larea.DataValueField = "idarea"
                larea.DataSource = conecta("select 0 as idarea,' Area' as descripcion  union select idarea,descripcion from tblarea order by descripcion").Tables(0).DefaultView
                lturno.DataTextField = "descripcion"
                lturno.DataValueField = "idturno"
                lturno.DataSource = conecta("select 0 as idturno,' Turno' as descripcion union select idturno,descripcion from tblturno order by descripcion").Tables(0).DefaultView
                ldepto.DataTextField = "descripcion"
                ldepto.DataValueField = "idDEPTO"
                ldepto.DataSource = conecta("select 0 as iddepto,' Depto' as descripcion union select iddEPto,descripcion from tbldepto order by descripcion").Tables(0).DefaultView
                aux = " select 0 as idclave,' Supervisor' as supervisor union select idclave,(nombre+' '+apellidos) as Supervisor from tblpersonal"
                aux = aux & " where idclave in (select distinct fksupervisor from tblpersonal)"
                aux = aux & " order by supervisor"
                lsuper.DataTextField = "Supervisor"
                lsuper.DataValueField = "idclave"
                lsuper.DataSource = conecta(aux)
            End If
        End Sub
        Public Sub ScriptErrorAjax(ByVal mensaje As String)
            Dim newlinea As String
            newlinea = Environment.NewLine()
            mensaje = mensaje.Replace("'", " ").ToString().Replace("""", "")
            ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Me.UpdatePanel1, GetType(String), "alertScript", "alert('" & mensaje.Replace(newlinea, "") & " ');", True)
        End Sub 
        Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
                If enddate.Text.Length = 0 Or startdate.Text.Length = 0 Then
                    ScriptErrorAjax("¡Ingrese la fecha de inicio y de fin por favor!!")
                End If
                aux2 = ""
                aux2 = aux2 & " SELECT DISTINCT personal.idclave, personal.Apellidos ,personal.Nombre ,"
                aux2 = aux2 & " depto.descripcion AREA, area.descripcion BU,Puesto, turno.descripcion TURNO,"
                aux2 = aux2 & " supervisor.apellidos + ' ' +  supervisor.nombre SUPERVISOR,personal.fkstatus,isnull(lunes,0) as lunes,isnull(martes,0) as martes,isnull(miercoles,0) as miercoles,isnull(jueves,0) as jueves,isnull(viernes,0) as viernes,isnull(sabado,0) as sabado,isnull(domingo,0) as domingo FROM tbldescanso,tblPersonal personal, tblESDLog esd, "
                aux2 = aux2 & " tbldepto Depto, tblarea area, tblusuario supervisor, tblturno turno,tblnomina nom "
                aux2 = aux2 & " where(personal.fkdepto = depto.iddepto)"
                aux2 = aux2 & " and nom.clave=personal.idclave and fksupervisor=supervisor.idclave and personal.idclave = tbldescanso.idclave and"
                aux2 = aux2 & " fkarea=idarea and idturno=fkturno and "
                If cbaja.Checked Then
                    aux2 = aux2 & " (fkstatus<>'1' or personal.idclave in"
                    aux2 = aux2 & " ("
                    aux2 = aux2 & " select empleado from tblpermisos where  razon='BJA'"
                    aux2 = aux2 & " and fecha between (dateadd(dd,-30,(select getdate() ))) and (select getdate())"
                    aux2 = aux2 & " )"
                    aux2 = aux2 & ")"
                    aux2 = aux2 & " (fkstatus<>'1')"
                End If
                If Lnomina.SelectedValue <> 0 Then
                    aux2 = aux2 & " and fktipo in ( " & Lnomina.SelectedValue & ")"
                End If
                If fknom.SelectedValue <> 0 Then
                    aux2 = aux2 & " and tipo in ( " & fknom.SelectedValue & ")"
                End If
                If txempleado.Text <> "" Then
                    aux2 = aux2 & " and personal.idclave=" & txempleado.Text
                End If
                If TXNOMBRE.Text <> "" Then
                    aux2 = aux2 & " and personal.nombre like '%" & TXNOMBRE.Text & "%'"
                End If
                If txapellido.Text <> "" Then
                    aux2 = aux2 & " and personal.apellidos like '%" & txapellido.Text & "%'"
                End If
                If Txpuesto.Text <> "" Then
                    aux2 = aux2 & " and personal.puesto like '%" & Txpuesto.Text & "%'"
                End If
                If larea.SelectedValue <> 0 Then
                    aux2 = aux2 & " and fkarea=" & larea.SelectedValue
                End If
                If lturno.SelectedValue <> 0 Then
                    aux2 = aux2 & " and fkturno=" & lturno.SelectedValue
                End If
                If lsuper.SelectedValue <> 0 Then
                    aux2 = aux2 & " and fksupervisor=" & lsuper.SelectedValue
                End If
                If ldepto.SelectedValue <> 0 Then
                    aux2 = aux2 & " and fkdepto=" & ldepto.SelectedValue
                End If
                start = startdate.Text
                end1 = enddate.Text
                flag = DateDiff(DateInterval.Day, start, end1)
                flag2 = flag
                Dim sel As String
                While start <= end1
                    aux = ""
                    aux = aux & " select a.idclave,isnull(razon,entrada)ENTRADA,isnull(razon,salida) SALIDA,isnull(Horas,0)HORAS from ( "
                    aux = aux & " select p.idclave,b.entrada,b.salida,b.horas from (select distinct idclave from tblpersonal) p "
                    aux = aux & " left outer join ("
                    aux = aux & " SELECT  idclave,right(MIN(fechaEntrada),7) ENTRADA,"
                    aux = aux & " right(MAX(fechaSalida),7) SALIDA,  (datediff(n,min(fechaentrada), max(fechasalida)))/60  HORAS "
                    aux = aux & " FROM tblAsistencia  WHERE(CONVERT(char(10),fechaEntrada, 101) = CONVERT(char(10), "
                    aux = aux & " DATEADD(day, -0,CONVERT(datetime, '" & start & "')), 101))  group by idclave ) b "
                    aux = aux & " on p.idclave=b.idclave ) a "
                    aux = aux & " left outer join "
                    aux = aux & " (select p.idclave,fecha,c.razon"
                    aux = aux & " from (select distinct idclave from tblpersonal) p "
                    aux = aux & " left outer join (select * from  tblpermisos) c"
                    aux = aux & " on p.idclave=c.empleado"
                    aux = aux & " where CONVERT(char(10),fecha, 101) = CONVERT(char(10), DATEADD(day, -0,CONVERT(datetime, '" & Format(start, "yyyy-MM-dd") & "')), 101) "
                    aux = aux & " ) b on b.idclave=a.idclave "
                    sql = ""
                    If start <> end1 Then
                        aux3 = aux3 & ",[ENTRADA:" & start & "],"
                        aux3 = aux3 & "[SALIDA:" & start & "],"
                        aux3 = aux3 & "[HORAS:" & start & "]"
                        sql = sql & "select DATOS.*"
                        sql = " Select datos.idclave,datos.apellidos,datos.nombre,datos.area,datos.bu,puesto,datos.turno,datos.supervisor,datos.fkstatus" & aux3
                    End If
                    sql = sql & " ,isnull(A.ENTRADA,case "
                    sql = sql & " when datepart(dw,'" & start & "')=2 and datos.lunes=1  then 'DESC'"
                    sql = sql & " when datepart(dw,'" & start & "')=3 and datos.martes=1 then 'DESC'"
                    sql = sql & " when datepart(dw,'" & start & "')=4 and datos.miercoles=1 then 'DESC'"
                    sql = sql & " when datepart(dw,'" & start & "')=5 and datos.jueves=1 then 'DESC'"
                    sql = sql & " when datepart(dw,'" & start & "')=6 and datos.viernes=1 then 'DESC'"
                    sql = sql & " when datepart(dw,'" & start & "')=7 and datos.sabado=1 then 'DESC'"
                    sql = sql & " when datepart(dw,'" & start & "')=1 and datos.domingo=1 then 'DESC'"
                    sql = sql & " else 'NOCHECO' end) AS 'ENTRADA:" & start & "'"
                    sql = sql & ",isnull(A.SALIDA,case "
                    sql = sql & " when datepart(dw,'" & start & "')=2 and datos.lunes=1  then 'DESC'"
                    sql = sql & " when datepart(dw,'" & start & "')=3 and datos.martes=1 then 'DESC'"
                    sql = sql & " when datepart(dw,'" & start & "')=4 and datos.miercoles=1 then 'DESC'"
                    sql = sql & " when datepart(dw,'" & start & "')=5 and datos.jueves=1 then 'DESC'"
                    sql = sql & " when datepart(dw,'" & start & "')=6 and datos.viernes=1 then 'DESC'"
                    sql = sql & " when datepart(dw,'" & start & "')=7 and datos.sabado=1 then 'DESC'"
                    sql = sql & " when datepart(dw,'" & start & "')=1 and datos.domingo=1 then 'DESC'"
                    sql = sql & " else 'NOCHECO' end) AS 'SALIDA:" & start & "',"
                    sql = sql & " isnull(A.HORAS,0) AS 'HORAS:" & start & "'"
                    sql = sql & " from ("
                    sql = sql & aux2
                    sql = sql & ")datos LEFT OUTER JOIN ("
                    sql = sql & aux
                    sql = sql & ") A ON DATOS.IDCLAVE=A.idclave "
                    aux2 = sql
                    flag = flag - 1
                    start = DateAdd(DateInterval.Day, 1, start)
                End While
                '  dt = conecta(aux).Tables(0)
                sql = sql
                ' Dim tabla As DataTable
                '[ tabla = conecta(sql).Tables(0)
                Grid1.DataSource = data(sql)
            Catch ex As Exception
            End Try
        End Sub
        Protected Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
        End Sub
        Sub color(ByVal z As Integer)
            Dim x As Integer = 1
            Dim y As Integer = 1
            Dim a As Array
            Dim b As String
            Dim colore As Integer = 0
            Dim pbaja As Date
            Dim fact As Array
            For x = 0 To Grid1.Rows.Count - 1
                If (Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(8).Text = "1") Then
                    Grid1.Rows(x).BackColor = Drawing.Color.Yellow
                    fbaja = data2("select fecha from tblpermisos where  razon = 'BJA' and empleado ='" & Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(0).Text & "'")
                    pbaja = CDate(fbaja(0))
                End If
                For y = 9 To (z * 3) + 9 Step 3
                    If (Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(y).Text <> "NOCHECO") Then
                        a = (Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(y).Text).Substring(1, Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(y).Text.Length - 3).Split(":")
                        b = Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(y).Text
                        ' If ((a(0) >= 6 And a(0) < 9) And Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(5).Text = "MATUTINO") Then
                        If (Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(y).Text = "VAC") _
                    Or (Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(y).Text.Substring(0, 3) = "PCG") _
                    Or (Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(y).Text.Substring(0, 3) = "PSG") _
                    Or (Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(y).Text.Substring(0, 3) = "SUS") _
                    Or (Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(y).Text.Substring(0, 3) = "INC") _
                    Or (Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(y).Text.Substring(0, 3) = "DES") _
                    Or (Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(y).Text.Substring(0, 3) = "COM") _
    Or (Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(y).Text.Substring(0, 3) = "BJA") _
    Or (Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(y).Text.Substring(0, 3) = "BAJ") Then
                            If (Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(y).Text.Substring(0, 3) <> "BJA") Then
                                Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(y).BackColor = Drawing.Color.White
                                Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(y + 1).BackColor = Drawing.Color.White
                                Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(y + 2).BackColor = Drawing.Color.White
                            End If
                            ' Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(y).BackColor = Drawing.Color.LightGreen
                            ' Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(y + 1).BackColor = Drawing.Color.LightGreen
                            ' Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(y + 2).BackColor = Drawing.Color.LightGreen
                            If (Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(y).Text.Substring(0, 3) <> "FTA") Then
                                If (CDate(b) >= CDate("6:01AM") And CDate(b) < CDate("12:00PM")) And ((Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(6).Text = "MATUTINO") Or (Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(6).Text = "ESPECIAL 8") Or (Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(6).Text = "ESPECIAL 9")) Then
                                    Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(y).BackColor = Drawing.Color.LightCoral
                                    Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(y + 1).BackColor = Drawing.Color.LightCoral
                                    Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(y + 2).BackColor = Drawing.Color.LightCoral
                                ElseIf (CDate(b) >= CDate("12:01PM") Or CDate(b) < CDate("5:00AM")) And (Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(6).Text = "MATUTINO") Then
                                    ' Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(y).BackColor = Drawing.Color.LightBlue
                                    ' Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(y + 1).BackColor = Drawing.Color.LightBlue
                                    ' Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(y + 2).BackColor = Drawing.Color.LightBlue
                                ElseIf (CDate(b) >= CDate("2:01PM") And CDate(b) < CDate("6:00PM")) And (Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(6).Text = "VESPERTINO") Then
                                    Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(y).BackColor = Drawing.Color.LightCoral
                                    Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(y + 1).BackColor = Drawing.Color.LightCoral
                                    Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(y + 2).BackColor = Drawing.Color.LightCoral
                                ElseIf (CDate(b) >= CDate("6:01PM") Or CDate(b) < CDate("1:00PM")) And ((Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(6).Text = "VESPERTINO") Or (Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(5).Text = "ESPECIAL 10") Or (Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(5).Text = "ESPECIAL 11")) Then
                                    Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(y).BackColor = Drawing.Color.LightCoral
                                    Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(y + 1).BackColor = Drawing.Color.LightCoral
                                    Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(y + 2).BackColor = Drawing.Color.LightCoral
                                ElseIf (CDate(b) >= CDate("9:31PM") And CDate(b) < CDate("11:59PM")) And (Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(6).Text = "NOCTURNO") Then
                                    Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(y).BackColor = Drawing.Color.LightCoral
                                    Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(y + 1).BackColor = Drawing.Color.LightCoral
                                    Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(y + 2).BackColor = Drawing.Color.LightCoral
                                ElseIf (CDate(b) < CDate("8:01PM")) And (Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(6).Text = "NOCTURNO") Then
                                    'Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(y).BackColor = Drawing.Color.LightBlue
                                    ' Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(y + 1).BackColor = Drawing.Color.LightBlue
                                    '  Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(y + 2).BackColor = Drawing.Color.LightBlue
                                End If
                                Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(y).BackColor = Drawing.Color.LightCoral
                                Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(y + 1).BackColor = Drawing.Color.LightCoral
                                Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(y + 2).BackColor = Drawing.Color.LightCoral
                            End If
                        End If
                        If (Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(8).Text = "1") Then
                            fact = Grid1.HeaderRow.Cells(y).Text.Split(":")
                            If (pbaja <= CDate(fact(1))) And ( _
                         (Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(y).Text = "VAC") _
                    Or (Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(y).Text.Substring(0, 3) = "PCG") _
                    Or (Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(y).Text.Substring(0, 3) = "PSG") _
                    Or (Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(y).Text.Substring(0, 3) = "SUS") _
                    Or (Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(y).Text.Substring(0, 3) = "INC") _
                    Or (Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(y).Text.Substring(0, 3) = "DES") _
                    Or (Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(y).Text.Substring(0, 3) = "COM")) Then
                                Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(y).Text = "BAJA"
                                Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(y + 1).Text = "BAJA"
                                Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(y).BackColor = Drawing.Color.Yellow
                      Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(y + 1).BackColor = Drawing.Color.Yellow
                                Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(y + 2).BackColor = Drawing.Color.Yellow
                                If (Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(y).Text.Substring(0, 3) = "BJA") Then
                                    Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(y).BackColor = Drawing.Color.Yellow
                                    Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(y + 1).BackColor = Drawing.Color.Yellow
                                    Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(y + 2).BackColor = Drawing.Color.Yellow
                                    Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(y).BackColor = Drawing.Color.LightCoral
                                    Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(y + 1).BackColor = Drawing.Color.LightCoral
                                    Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(y + 2).BackColor = Drawing.Color.LightCoral
                                End If
                            End If
                        End If
                        If (Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(8).Text = "1") Then
                            fact = Grid1.HeaderRow.Cells(y).Text.Split(":")
                            If pbaja <= CDate(fact(1)) Then
                                Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(y).Text = "BAJA"
                                Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(y + 1).Text = "BAJA"
                                Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(y).BackColor = Drawing.Color.Yellow
                                Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(y + 1).BackColor = Drawing.Color.Yellow
                                Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(y + 2).BackColor = Drawing.Color.Yellow
                                Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(y).BackColor = Drawing.Color.LightCoral
                                Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(y + 1).BackColor = Drawing.Color.LightCoral
                                Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(y + 2).BackColor = Drawing.Color.LightCoral
                            End If
                            Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(y).BackColor = Drawing.Color.LightCoral
                            Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(y + 1).BackColor = Drawing.Color.LightCoral
                            Grid1.Rows(x).Cells(y + 2).BackColor = Drawing.Color.LightCoral
                        End If
                    End If
        End Sub
        Sub excelexp()
            Dim sb As StringBuilder = New StringBuilder()
            Dim SW As System.IO.StringWriter = New System.IO.StringWriter(sb)
            Dim htw As HtmlTextWriter = New HtmlTextWriter(SW)
            Dim Page As Page = New Page()
            Dim form As HtmlForm = New HtmlForm()
            Grid1.EnableViewState = False
            Page.EnableEventValidation = False
            Response.Buffer = True
            Response.ContentType = "application/"
            Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=asistencia.xls")
            Response.Charset = "UTF-8″"
            Response.ContentEncoding = Encoding.Default
        End Sub
        Protected Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click
            txempleado.Text = ""
            TXNOMBRE.Text = ""
            txapellido.Text = ""
            startdate.Text = ""
            enddate.Text = ""
            lsuper.SelectedValue = 0
            larea.SelectedValue = 0
            lturno.SelectedValue = 0
            ldepto.SelectedValue = 0
            Grid1.DataSource = ""
        End Sub
    End Class
    asked by Noel L 18.04.2018 в 00:50

    2 answers


    You have it like this:

    <input name="startdate" id="startdate" type="text">
    <input name="enddate" id="enddate" type="text">

    You are defining them as text, you should define them as date , so that you do not find conversion problems. Try it like this:

    <input name="startdate" id="startdate" type="date">
    <input name="enddate" id="enddate" type="date">
    answered by 18.04.2018 в 01:01

    You can solve it with a ParseExact that is a property of DateTime would only be to put a format to the date, since the dates you use as String , I leave the example how to use it:

    Dim fStart As DateTime = 
    DateTime.ParseExact(enddate.Text,"dd/MM/yyyy", Nothing)
    Dim fEnd As DateTime = 
    DateTime.ParseExact(startdate.Text,"dd/MM/yyyy", Nothing)

    Here I leave a link about the documentation of ParseExact DateTime

    answered by 25.04.2018 в 16:08