Good day to all, I hope and you can help me because I can not move forward.
I have a checklistbox that is filled with sp and activated by checkbox, the sp brings me the following values:
Text SwitchId Switch
Búsqueda de direcciones 0 1
Historial de ruta 1 2
Funcionalidad de Geocercas 2 4
Generación de reportes 3 8
Alertas 4 16
Disparo de inmovilización 5 32
Comando de cambio de tasa de transmisión 6 64
Administracion de conductores 7 128
Soporte MDT 8 256
Puntos de Interés 9 512
Localización Web 10 1024
Salida SMS 11 2048
Configuración de recursos 12 4096
Reportes Programados 13 8192
Capacidades de Administrador 14 16384
Comandos de MDT 15 32768
Fleet 360 16 65536
Móvil Habilitado 17 131072
Cuenta visualizadora 18 262144
Visualizador de Conductores 19 524288
Desactivar la actualización del
cuentakilómetros 20 1048576
Contador de Horas 21 2097152
Gestión de Tareas 23 8388608
Gestión de Jerarquías de Subcuentas 24 16777216
Asignación Dinámica de Subcuentas 25 33554432
Gestión de Grupos de Vehículos
de Subcuentas 26 67108864
Gestión de Alarmas 27 134217728
Gestión de riesgos 28 268435456
Tablero 29 536870912
RSS Enabled 30 1073741824
Tablero de control Pointer 31 2147483648
Each of the clients that we manage in the area, has assigned a number that is the following (example) Swich = 523263, this number converted to Binary would be the following (1111111101111111111) and corresponds to the switches that are activated to each of the clients, for each of them is dynamic and not all, have the same activated.
What I would like is that when the client is selected from a droplist, the switches will automatically activate to achieve the number that corresponds to the binary number. That is, each text has a value assigned to the switch and it gets a value that, when added together, gives me the total value of the activated permissions.
I hope to have explained myself concretely, does anyone know how I could achieve my goal?
Thank you.