I hope you can help me clarify a little better what I have to do with laravel.
I need to take 3 values that I will write in 3 fields and send them to some temporary variables in php, I do not need to record them in the database or anything, I only need them to be saved in these 3 fields.
Inside the config folder, I have a file called variables, with the following.
return [
'boolean' => [
'0' => 'No',
'1' => 'Si',
'SINO' => [
'NO' => 'NO',
'SI' => 'SI',
'estado' => [
and I use these static variables in this way:
{!! Form::mySelect('estadocita', 'Estado cita: ', config('variables.boolean')) !!}
What I need is to create other variables:
'ejemplo' => [
'0' => 'No',
'1' => 'Si',
But that I can store data in those variables from a form.
Can someone give me a guide with an example please? I know that "messing around" I can do it, but I have not found an example that fits what I need to be able to mold it and apply it.
I appreciate your attention.
So far I did this.
I have these fields in my view
{!! Form::open([
'action' => ['CategoriesController@store'],
'files' => true
<input type="" name="nombre" class="logo-lg">
<input type="" name="nombre2" class="logo-lg">
<input type="" name="nombre3" class="logo-lg">
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-info" style="width:100px;">Guardar</button>
And I have this function:
public function store(Request $request)
$nombre = $request->input("nombre");
$nombre2 = $request->input("nombre2");
$nombre3 = $request->input("nombre3");
echo $nombre;
echo $nombre2;
echo $nombre3;
(And if you print me the values I'm sending)
But, I just need to be able to save those values in the variable file that I have saved in my config folder.
To be able to call that data from other windows, can Alguiem help me?