Greetings to the community I have this error in the creation of this procedure stored in MYSQL
CREATE PROCEDURE insertarnuevo15(
IN Vnumfact BIGINT(20),
IN Vserfact BIGINT(20)
DECLARE Vnumfact BIGINT(20);
SET Vnumfact = 0;
IF(SELECT serfact FROM factura WHERE serfact = Vserfact)> 0 THEN
SELECT MAX(numfact)
FROM factura
WHERE serfact = Vserfact
INTO vnumfact;
SET Vnumfact = Vnumfact + 1;
ELSE IF Vserfact = 0 THEN
SELECT MAX(serfact)
FROM factura
INTO Vserfact;
SET Vserfact = Vserfact + 1;
INSERT INTO factura (numfact,serfact) VALUES(Vnumfact, Vserfact);
SELECT CONCAT('F',LPAD(Vserfact, 4, '0'), '-',LPAD(Vnumfact, 6, '0')) serial;
Now I have corrected the previous error SHOWS me when calling the stored procedure.
CALL 'prueba3'.'insertarnuevo'(1);
and when the respective select to the invoice table shows me the following and does not insert in numfact
codigo numfact serfact
1 0 1
generates the serial number: F0001 000000
but should generate F0001 000001 thank you very much