I have a custom class that I am sending from an activity to a tabbed activity (fragments) using parcelable
In the init block of my custom class I execute a function to transform one of the values that arrive to the constructor when I create my class, but parcelable
when constructing the object again, it goes through the init block executing its functions of new and damaging my transformation of values. Why is this happening?
Sending the data of an activity
val intent = Intent(ctx, resultado_calculadora_requerimientos::class.java)
val bundle = Bundle()
bundle.putParcelable("requerimientos", requerimientos)
intent.putExtra("bundle", bundle)
Passing the data to the fragment
override fun getItem(position: Int): Fragment {
var fragment : Fragment? = null
val bundle :Bundle = intent.getBundleExtra("bundle")
0 -> fragment = resultado_calculadora_requerimientos_frag1()
1 -> fragment = resultado_calculadora_requerimientos_frag2()
fragment!!.arguments = bundle
return fragment!!
** And when they arrive at the fragment **
if (arguments != null) {
requerimientos = arguments!!.getParcelable<Parcelable>("requerimientos") as Requerimientos?
The declaration of my class
class Requerimientos (
var peso: Double ,
private var altura: Double ,
private val edad: Int ,
private val actividad_fisica: String ,
private val sexo: String ,
val unidad_medida :Int /* 0 - cm y kg / 1 - lb y in */) : Parcelable {
constructor(parcel: Parcel) : this(
parcel.readInt()) {
factorAgua = parcel.readDouble()
factorProt = parcel.readDouble()
factorLip = parcel.readDouble()
factorCh = parcel.readDouble()
if (unidad_medida == 1){
this.peso = this.lbAkg(this.peso)
this.altura = this.inAcm(altura)
Log.d("waskjas", "Cambiando los valores de peso y altura a cm y kg")
Log.d("waskjas", "valor peso: $peso")
Log.d("waskjas", "valor altura: $altura")