Error Code: 1290. The MySQL server is running with the - secure-file-priv option so it can not execute this statement


I am trying to enter data into a MySQL bd from a .csv file and when executing this command line:

load data infile 'C:\respaldo\respaldo.csv'
into table productos
fields terminated by ','
lines terminated by '\n'
ignore 1 lines;

I get this error:


Error Code: 1290. The MySQL server is running with the   --secure-file-priv option so it can not execute this statement

Investigating on the internet, I saw this function was somewhat restricted by default and could be solved by modifying the line secure-file-priv = in the configuration file my.ini, some suggesting that it should equal 1 and others as a empty string. Anyway, the fact is that I can not find that line in the configuration file, I tried to add it in the%% of% or%% of both forms, both equal to 1 and empty string and it does not work. In other forums I found that the problem was because the variable mysqld had the value of the path C: \ ProgramData \ MySQL \ MySQL Server 8.0 \ Data (that is seen executing the command mysql ) and that should move there the .csv file but it does not work either I can not find the line secure-file-priv

Any ideas? I'm new to this, I use MySQL 8.0 on Windows

asked by Iván Vega 16.11.2018 в 03:03

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