Connect Asterisk with AGI and pass values from AGI to Asterisk


Hello, good morning, I'm working with Asterisk v 1.4 and AGI, in the AGI file I'm working with Perl where I have the following code:

use DBI;
use POSIX;
use Asterisk::AGI;

$valor = 8;

%MYSQL = (
hostname => "localhost",
username => "root",
password => "xxx",
database => "xxx"

my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:mysql:$MYSQL{database}:$MYSQL{hostname}","$MYSQL{username}","$MYSQL{password}")or die("No se hiso la conexion!\n");
my $get_rows = "SELECT calldate from cdr limit 1";
my $rows_r = $dbh->prepare($get_rows);


my $AGI = new Asterisk::AGI;
$AGI->set_variable("result", $valor);

I execute it and it does not mark any error and it returns me the 8, until here all good

In the Asterisk I have the following code where I command to call that AGI file:

exten => 0444423117XX,1,AGI(limit_ldi.agi)
exten => 0444423117XX,2,NoOp(${result})
exten => 0444423117XX,3,Set(GLOBAL(Count_Min)=${result})
exten => 0444423117XX,4,GotoIf($[${Count_Min} > 10 ]?203)
exten => 0444423117XX,5,Macro(dialldicve_time|SIP/TRK-4421612608|${EXTEN}|${CONTEXT})
exten => 0444423117XX,203,NoOp(NO HAY SALDO)
exten => 0444423117XX,204,Set(DIALSTATUS=CHANUNAVAIL)

And I think that I am going to get the value 8 of AGI in Asterisk, it sends me the following error and I do not get the 8, it is empty when the result is printed in NoOp.

AGI Script limit_ldi.agi completed, returning 0
 -- Executing [0444423117XXX@prodar:2] NoOp("SIP/prodar-171-00000109", "") in new stack
 -- Executing [0444423117XXX@prodar:3] Set("SIP/prodar-171-00000109", "GLOBAL(Count_Min)=") in new stack
 == Setting global variable 'Count_Min' to ''

I hope you can support me.


asked by Javier fr 10.10.2018 в 17:42

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