I am trying to perform different operations with assember for the FPU unit of the Intel processors, in the middle of an interface with C.
The operations to be carried out are:
43.001 * 0.00751
0.00000001 * 1.4142135623730951
0.1 + 0.1 + 0.1 − 0.3
/* Este es el código de prueba: */
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
double r;
double s;
const double a = 1;
const double b = 0.1;
const double c = 43.001;
const double d = 0.00751;
const double e = 0.00000001;
const double f = 1.4142135623730951;
const double g = 0.3;
__asm__ ("fldl %1;" //cargo a
"fldl %2;" //cargo b
"fldl %3;" //cargo c
"fldl %4;" //cargo d
"faddp;" // suma a con b y lo guarda en st(0)
"fmul st2,st3" // c*d y lo guarda en st(2)
"fstl %0;" : "=m" (r) : "m" (a), "m" (b)
"fstl %1;" : "=m" (s) : "m" (c), "m" (d)
printf("%.16e\n", r);
printf("%.16e\n", s);
return 0;
The idea is that the result of each operation is stored in a stack position, but I have not been able to do it because I'm not sure if the syntax of for example fmul st2, st3 is correct. How do you store each operation in a stack position and then print your results?