I have the following query in eloquent that shows me the records
Usuario::with(['rutas'=> function($query){
$query ->select('rutas.*','puntosDeVenta.id_puntodeventa','puntosDeVenta.codigo')
what returns:
"id_usuario": 2,
"rut": "12345678-9",
"nombre": "Administrador",
"apellido": "Demo",
"correo": "[email protected]",
"acceso": "ADMINISTRADOR",
"id_supervisor": 1,
"api_token": "mIJoxWmPD7YmowaS7T2GRXWlxZn5bjkrff8wijELln9shLs8d0KcBcEUkyLF",
"imagen": "defaultAdm.png",
"estado": "DESCONECTADO",
"rutas": [
"id_ruta": 1,
"id_usuario": 2,
"id_puntodeventa": 1,
"id_empresa": 1,
"usuario_validador": null,
"estado": "PENDIENTE",
"fecha": "2018-08-20",
"lat": "",
"long": "",
"hora_validacion": null,
"hora_checkout": null,
"hora_sincronizacion": null,
"fecha_validacion": null,
"codigo": "CE001"
which is correct, but when I change
gives me the empty 'route' field
"id_usuario": 2,
"rut": "12345678-9",
"nombre": "Administrador",
"apellido": "Demo",
"correo": "[email protected]",
"acceso": "ADMINISTRADOR",
"id_supervisor": 1,
"api_token": "mIJoxWmPD7YmowaS7T2GRXWlxZn5bjkrff8wijELln9shLs8d0KcBcEUkyLF",
"imagen": "defaultAdm.png",
"estado": "DESCONECTADO",
"rutas": []
To what is the way I solve it, I tried the query directly in mysql and it brings me the values
Thanks !!!