I have a question about the simultaneous connections in the free firebase plan.
I understand by simultaneous connection to a request that is made when there is another running.
In the firebase document, they say the following:
What is a "simultaneous connection to the database"?
A simultaneous connection refers to a mobile device, a browser tab or a server app that connects to the database. Firebase imposes strict limits on the number of simultaneous connections that your app's database can receive. These limits exist to protect both Firebase and our users from abuse.
The Spark plan limit is 100 and can not be increased. The Flame and Blaze plans have a limit of 100,000 simultaneous connections per database.
This limit is not the same as the total number of users of your app, since not all users connect at the same time. If you need more than 100,000 simultaneous connections, read the article How to scale with several databases
My specific question is : is it the same as having the app open ?, or just at the moment of launching it ?, that is, can the app have more than 100?
and if there are more than 100 users in the app and at the same time more than 100 make a query to the database, they are queued when it ends with the first 100 or the app shreds?