Enter a data by database that only appears once for a particular criterion


Greetings to all!

I have a question about the database ... I am a beginner in this and I would like to know how to solve this issue that I am commenting on.

It turns out that I am creating a database for a task that I have. The case of the task is related to the management of the qualifications of the students of a university. I have two tables that I have to join, they are "Carrera" and "Asignatura" that have a lot to many relationship between them. To break this relationship create a table called "PensumEstudios" that links the two primary keys of the tables that I mentioned first.

However, I do not know how to do so that when I enter a subject I will be shown once only in the career curriculum, because the case may arise The same subject can be seen in the curriculum of several careers. I leave here the outline of what I have to see what I have, because what I have raised is allowing me to introduce a subject many times within the same career.

I would greatly appreciate if you could guide me about the error I have because I do not see it anymore! hehe! Graciassss!

asked by Rossy 14.09.2018 в 06:12

1 answer


Make the primary key of the PensumEstudios table the fields idCarrera e idAsignatura , that way you avoid that there may be two records with the same career and the same subject

answered by 14.09.2018 / 08:33