The point is that I have inserted a file of type BLOB in a field of my table, inside a bbdd in local.
To read the file, using PDO, I created a file that creates the connection to my database and another file that is responsible for reading the BLOB, obviously requiring the connection file.
When I execute it, on the screen, the ID and the type of the record of the table where the BLOB is located appear, but the content is not shown (in this case, a png image), more specifically the small one appears 'broken' image icon.
This is the connection file:
<?php try{ $base= new PDO('mysql:host=localhost; dbname=pruebas', 'root', ''); $base->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); //$base->exec('SET CHARACTER SET UTF8'); }catch(Exception $e){ die ('Error' . $e->getMessage()); echo "Línea del error: " . $e->getLine(); } return $base; ?>
And this my reading code:
echo "<br>";
<h1>Leer archivo BLOB de la BBDD</h1>
echo "Id: " . $Id . "<br>";
echo "Tipo: " . $tipo . "<br>";
echo "Contenido: " . "<img src='data:image/png; base64," . base64_encode($contenido) . "' '/>";