Report SSRS takes time to generate


I am generating SSRS reports in a ReportViewer in ASP.NET with VB.NET, I have not been able to solve that the first time the report is generated takes too much time. How is that delay solved?

I add Code as a charge to the ReportViewer Report:

Protected Sub GenerarReporte()
' Asigna valores de SSRS a ReportViewer
rvOferta.ServerReport.ReportServerUrl = New Uri("http://server/ReportServer")
Select Case fnPedidosLeerDatos(Session("id")).Rows.Item(0)("IdTipo")
Case 2 To 5
rvOferta.ServerReport.ReportPath = "/Reportes/OfertaL"
Case Else
rvOferta.ServerReport.ReportPath = "/Reportes/Oferta"
End Select
'Parametros para el reporte SSRS
Dim parametros As List(Of ReportParameter) = New List(Of ReportParameter)()
parametros.Add(New ReportParameter("Id", Session("Id").ToString))
'Envia los parametros para el reporte
'Actualiza ReportViewer
'Muestra Panel q contiene la oferta
End Sub
Beforehand thank you very much.     
asked by Javier Salazar 17.08.2018 в 22:14

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