Notice: Undefined property PHP in inherited class


I am studying PHP, and a problem arises (Notice: Undefined property) when I do the HERENCIAS exercise of the class.

More specifically, he says:


"Notice: Undefined property: double-inherited :: $ muninterno in   C: \ xampp \ htdocs \ project_php_seas \ 418-herencias.php on line 25 ".

If someone can help me, I would be grateful, since my teachers are cows.

I put the code in PHP and then the result:

************** PHP code: *************

    class doble {

      var $mult=2;
      public $numinterno;

      public function multxnum() {
        return $this->mult*$this->numinterno;

      public function divxnum () {

        return $this->numinterno/$this->mult;


    class dobleheredada extends doble {

      public function triple() {
        return ($this->multxnum()*$this->muninterno);

    $miobjeto= new doble();

    echo "El valor doble del parámetro es: $eldoble";
    echo "<br>";

    echo "El valor mitad del parámetro es: $lamitad";

    $objeto3=new dobleheredada();

    echo "<br>";
    echo "El doble del cuadrado del parámetro es: ".$objeto3->triple();
    echo "El doble del cuadrado del parámetro es: $eltriple";


************* Script Result: **********


The double value of the parameter is: 6


The half value of the parameter is: 1.5


Notice: Undefined property: double-inherited :: $ muninterno in   C: \ xampp \ htdocs \ project_php_seas \ 418-herencias.php on line 25


Notice: Undefined property: double-inherited :: $ muninterno in   C: \ xampp \ htdocs \ project_php_seas \ 418-herencias.php on line 25 El   double the square of the parameter is: 0 Double the square of the   parameter is: 0 "

asked by Eva MV 31.07.2018 в 21:00

1 answer


In your double-inherited class you have:

public function triple() {
        return ($this->multxnum()*$this->muninterno);

It should be:

public function triple() {
    return ($this->multxnum()*$this->numinterno);
answered by 31.07.2018 в 21:07