I would like to know if there is a possibility of having the sentence "DROP TABLE TABLATEMPORAL" using MySQL inside a trigger, since when trying to save the trigger with this sentence I get the following error:
"There was an error while applying the SQL script to the database"
CREATE DEFINER='root'@'localhost' TRIGGER 'guardarResultadosFyS'
AFTER INSERT ON 'mdl_feedback_completed' FOR EACH ROW
set @existe = (exists (select * from mdl_feedback_completed fc
join mdl_feedback_item fi where
label in ('Activo/Reflexivo' , 'Secuencial/Global' , 'Sensitivo/Intuitivo' , 'Visual/Verbal')
and fc.feedback = fi.feedback and fc.feedback = 3 limit 1));
if @existe !=0 then
SELECT userid, username, fb.course as idcourse, c.feedback, concat(u.firstname, ' ', u.lastname ) as Nombre,
count(value) as valor, if(value = 1,
SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(label, '/', 1), '/', -1),
SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(label, '/', 2), '/', -1)) as dimension
FROM mdl_feedback_item d
JOIN mdl_feedback_value f
JOIN mdl_feedback_completed c
JOIN mdl_feedback fb
JOIN mdl_user u
WHERE c.userid = new.userid and c.feedback = new.feedback and c.id = f.completed and u.id = c.userid and c.feedback = fb.id and
label in ('Activo/Reflexivo' , 'Secuencial/Global' , 'Sensitivo/Intuitivo' , 'Visual/Verbal')
and d.id = f.item group by label, VALUE, nombre;
create temporary table tmp_resultadoPivote as
Nombre ,
SUM(CASE WHEN dimension = 'Visual' THEN Valor ELSE 0 END) AS 'Visual' ,
SUM(CASE WHEN dimension = 'Verbal' THEN Valor ELSE 0 END) AS 'Verbal',
SUM(CASE WHEN dimension = 'Secuencial' THEN Valor ELSE 0 END) AS 'Secuencial' ,
SUM(CASE WHEN dimension = 'Global' THEN Valor ELSE 0 END) AS 'Global' ,
SUM(CASE WHEN dimension = 'Sensitivo' THEN Valor ELSE 0 END) AS 'Sensitivo' ,
SUM(CASE WHEN dimension = 'Intuitivo' THEN Valor ELSE 0 END) AS 'Intuitivo' ,
SUM(CASE WHEN dimension = 'Activo' THEN Valor ELSE 0 END ) AS 'Activo' ,
SUM(CASE WHEN dimension = 'Reflexivo' THEN Valor ELSE 0 END) AS 'Reflexivo'
from tmp_resultado;
create temporary table tmp_resultadoResta as
select userid, username, idcourse, Nombre,
(Visual - Verbal) as 'Visual_Verbal' , #visualverbal
(Secuencial - Global) as 'Secuencial_Global', #secuencialglobal
(activo - reflexivo) as 'Activo_Reflexivo' , #activoreflexivo
(sensitivo - Intuitivo) as 'Sensitivo_Intuitivo' #sensitivointuitivo
from tmp_resultadoPivote;
insert into mdl_feldersilverman
select idcourse, userid, username, nombre, now() as fecha, Visual_Verbal, Secuencial_Global,
Activo_Reflexivo, Sensitivo_Intuitivo from tmp_resultadoResta order by idcourse;
drop table tmp_resultado;
drop table tmp_resultadoPivote;
drop table tmp_resultadoResta;
end if;
If I delete the section where the drop is, it lets me save the script without problem but once it runs it works fine, but the second one gives me the error that the table "tmp_resultado" exists and that's why I'm looking to eliminate them