How to use the .each function in Ajax


I'm trying to show several response results. Follow up, check a little and I found out that it's with .each to show me everything about that field, this is my code ..

function Tcaso(id){ 
				url: uri + "/caso/mostrarCasos",



I want to do a .each to show me everything that has field so that at the moment it shows me only one field

You should show me examplito and big bank

      <textarea type="textarea"  name="seguirme" id="seguirme"></textarea>

            <input type="text" name="idseguimiento" id="idseguimiento">

This is the query to show Cases

SELECT, c.falla, c.responsable,  c.fecha ,c.descripcion  , c.solucion , c.estado , l.idcliente , l.nombre , l.ncuenta , l.nombredec , l.ciudad , l.direccion , l.telefono , s.idseguimiento , s.seguimiento FROM caso c join cliente l on c.idcliente=l.idcliente join seguimiento s on where id = :id

I should show the two "follow-ups" of case 1 in the modal ..

I'm trying with this code and it only sends me a value.

$.each([respuesta.seguimiento], function( index, value ) {
                alert( index + ": " + value );

asked by JOHAN ALEXIS MORENO GUISAO 13.07.2018 в 15:34

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