I need help to update and fill data in my database, I have a form and its corresponding PHP code, I want the user who is logged in to change his data only (I have a Session page) My form is:
<FORM method="post">
<INPUT type="text" name="pa">
<INPUT type="text" name="est">
<INPUT type="text" name="ciud">
<P>Calle: </P>
<INPUT type="text" name="call">
<INPUT type="text" name="tel">
<INPUT type="Submit" name="boton" value="Registrar">
My code is php:
include "conexion.php";
mysqli_query($conexion,"UPDATE usuarios set
".$pais",".$estado",".$ciudad",".$calle",".$telefono" where User=$_SESSION[usuario]")
or die("Problemas en el Update: ".mysqli_error($conexion));
The page with session is:
$registros = mysqli_query($conexion, "select * from usuarios where Email = '$_REQUEST[mail]'")
or die("Problemas en el select: ".mysql_error($conexion));
if ($reg = mysqli_fetch_array($registros))
$verificar = mysqli_query($conexion, "select * from usuarios where Email = '$_REQUEST[mail]' and password = '$_REQUEST[pass]'")
or die("Problemas en el select: ".mysql_error($conexion));
if($ver = mysqli_fetch_array($verificar)){
$_SESSION["Auntentificado"] = "SIP";
$_SESSION["usuario"] = $ver["User"];
header ("Location: FramesInicioUnion.php");
header ("Location: InicioFallido.php");
echo "<CENTER><h1>No se ah encontrado un usuario registrado en nuestra base de datos o alguno de los datos ingresados es incorrecto.</h1></CENTER>";
header ("Location: InicioFallido.php");