I have the following query in linq, which takes 2 lists as a data source. The first contains a list of IdProducto
and its description
public class Productos
public List<Producto> lstProductos { get; set; }
public class Producto
public string id { get; set; }
public string name { get; set; }
and the other list has the products sold
public class Venta
public string ProductoId { get; set; }
public string clienteRut { get; set; }
public class Ventas
public List<Venta> lstVentas { get; set; }
I need to consult the 5 most sold products, ordered by quantity from the most sold, to the least sold.
So far I have the following linq query, but I do not know how to do it so that it gives me the list of the first 5, ordered from highest to lowest based on the count
Venta vta1 = new Venta();
vta1.ProductoId = "1";
vta1.clienteRut = "121370654";
Venta vta2 = new Venta();
vta2.ProductoId = "2";
vta2.clienteRut = "121370654";
Venta vta3 = new Venta();
vta3.ProductoId = "3";
vta3.clienteRut = "121370654";
List<Venta> lstVentasDia = new List<Venta>();
VentasDia vtas = new VentasDia();
vtas.date = "2018-05-01";
vtas.lstVentas = lstVentasDia;
var Lista5Top = from vendidos in vtas.lstVentas
orderby vendidos.ProductoId
group vendidos by vendidos.ProductoId into Grupo
select new { key = Grupo.Key, cont = Grupo.Count()};
I need that group of results, add the name of the product that is in the list Products, and order it by quantity sold from highest to lowest and get the 5 products with the largest amount.
Thankful in advance Glory