Error with the BioMini Plus 2 fingerprint reader


I recently made a fingerprint reader for the company where I currently work. Use the Bio Mini Plus , the example code worked correctly, and all good, as we expanded as a company, bought new equipment but these are Bio Mini Plus 2 and boot the picture like striped. Look at the image

They gave me the new SDK and the same thing, I see on Internet forums and everyone throws flowers at the reader, but none of them works.

I tried the Java version and it works perfectly with the 2 models, and that is what baffles me the most.

I tried the android version and it fails with the biomini plus 2, but with the 1 it works perfectly. I do not know if the same thing happened to someone. Nose if they want some code but I think it goes more than that.

The solution is preferable in c #

This is the method that captures the footprint in Java:

public void CapturarHuella(){
        int nRes =0;
            int [] EstaActivo = new int[1];
            BioMiniMain.UFS_IsCapturing(objDispositivoSeleccionado.Scanner, EstaActivo);
                 nRes = BioMiniMain.UFS_CaptureSingleImage(objDispositivoSeleccionado.Scanner);
                System.out.println("CapturarHuella(): No esta marcando");

        }catch(Exception ex){
        if(nRes !=0){
            new Exception(String.valueOf(nRes));

and this is the method in C #

private void btnStartCapturing_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
            UFScanner Scanner;
            UFS_STATUS ufs_res;
            if (!GetGetCurrentScanner(out Scanner)) {

            Scanner.CaptureEvent += new UFS_CAPTURE_PROC(CaptureEvent);
            ufs_res = Scanner.StartCapturing();
            if (ufs_res == UFS_STATUS.OK) {
                tbxMessage.AppendText("UFScanner StartCapturing: OK\r\n");
            } else {
                UFScanner.GetErrorString(ufs_res, out m_strError);
                tbxMessage.AppendText("UFScanner StartCapturing: " + m_strError + "\r\n");

Any help I will be very grateful.

asked by Gabriel Jeremy Rodriguez River 12.06.2018 в 22:21

1 answer


I ended up doing it with the java method already explained, I had no other choice.

answered by 22.06.2018 / 15:40