Help to fix error 1054 Unknown column '...' in 'field list' in mysql workbench


I would like to ask your help to solve the error:


1054 Unknown column '...' in 'field list'

The column that marks me as unknown Has the name Age and the mark as unknown even though it is in the table and written as is.

This is the way the error marks me:

   Operation failed: There was an error while applying the SQL script to the 
    ERROR 1054: 1054: Unknown column 'Edad' in 'field list'<br/>
    SQL Statement:<br/>
    INSERT INTO 'ropa'.'ropavendida' ('claveRopExVendi', 'NumCliente_fk', 
'NumEmpVendi', 'FormaPago', 'Cantidad', 'PrecioTotal', 'Dia', 'Mes', 'Año', 
'Edad') VALUES ('1', '1', '11', 'Efectivo', '15', '375', '11', 'Junio', '2018', 
asked by Adler G 12.06.2018 в 06:28

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