I'm trying to make a query to a car database and it does not work for me, the function where I do the query is this:
public static ArrayList<Coche> filtradoAnuncios(String valor_marca, String valor_modelo, String valor_anyoDesde, String valor_anyoHasta, String valor_puertas, String valor_cambio, String valor_precioDesde, String valor_precioHasta, String valor_kilometros, String valor_potencia, String valor_combustible) {
if(valor_marca.equals("Cualquiera")) {
valor_marca = "";
if(valor_modelo.equals("Cualquiera")) {
valor_modelo = "";
if(valor_puertas.equals("Cualquiera")) {
valor_puertas = "";
if(valor_cambio.equals("Cualquiera")) {
valor_cambio = "";
if(valor_combustible.equals("Cualquiera")) {
valor_combustible = "";
String sql = "SELECT * FROM anuncio_coches WHERE marca LIKE ? AND modelo LIKE ? AND anyo between ? and ? AND precio between ? and ? AND kilometros between ? AND potencia between ? AND puertas LIKE ? AND combustible LIKE ? AND cambio LIKE ?";
ArrayList<Coche> listaBusqueda = new ArrayList<>();
String sql1 = "SELECT * FROM anuncio_coches WHERE marca LIKE '%" + valor_marca + "%' AND modelo LIKE '%" + valor_modelo + "%' AND anyo between " + valor_anyoDesde + " and " + valor_anyoHasta + " AND precio between " + valor_precioDesde + " and " + valor_precioHasta + " AND kilometros between " + valor_kilometros + " AND potencia between " + valor_potencia + " AND puertas LIKE '%"+ valor_puertas+"%' AND combustible LIKE '%" + valor_combustible + "%' AND cambio LIKE '%" + valor_cambio + "%'";
try(PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement(sql);){
ps.setString(1, "'%" + valor_marca + "%'");
ps.setString(2, "'%" + valor_modelo + "%'");
ps.setString(3, valor_anyoDesde);
ps.setString(4, valor_anyoHasta);
ps.setString(5, valor_precioDesde);
ps.setString(6, valor_precioHasta);
ps.setString(7, valor_kilometros);
ps.setString(8, valor_potencia);
ps.setString(9, "'%" + valor_puertas + "%'");
ps.setString(10, "'%" + valor_combustible + "%'");
ps.setString(11, "'%" + valor_cambio + "%'");
ResultSet rs = ps.getResultSet();
while(rs.next()) {
String marca = rs.getString("marca");
String modelo = rs.getString("modelo");
int anyo = rs.getInt("anyo");
int precio = rs.getInt("precio");
int kilometros = rs.getInt("kilometros");
int potencia = rs.getInt("potencia");
int puertas = rs.getInt("puertas");
String combustible = rs.getString("combustible");
Double consumo = rs.getDouble("consumo");
String cambio = rs.getString("cambio");
String color = rs.getString("color");
listaBusqueda.add(new Coche(marca, modelo, precio, anyo, kilometros, potencia, puertas, combustible, consumo, cambio, color));
catch(SQLException sqle) {
System.out.println("no funciona");
return listaBusqueda;
I do not know why it does not work, I've made an easy query, and the String sql at the end, when I collect the parameters it looks like this:
SELECT * FROM car_cars WHERE brand LIKE '%%' AND model LIKE '%%' AND anyo between 1980 and 2018 AND price between 0 and 1000000 AND km between 0 and 1000000 AND power between 0 and 10000 AND doors LIKE '% % 'AND fuel LIKE' %% 'AND change LIKE' %% '
I put this query in MySQLWorkbench and it works for me. I should leave the records of all the cars that I have in the database but it does not, I hope you help me, thank you very much!