Help with the validation of a name input mask in JS


I have an input which I am validating that I only enter letters, although it works, I also restrict the "spacebar" key. I am quite new in the use of this tool, I do not know how to add that key to the query in case the user decides to place two or more names.

asked by FJAL 18.06.2018 в 14:59

1 answer


According to the official documentation , you can define the masks as you want, passing the options as a second parameter:

  translation: {
    A: {pattern: /[a-zA-ZñÑáéíóúü ]/} //todas las letras inglesas más la ñ y vocales acentuadas 
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<input id="texto" type="text">
answered by 18.06.2018 / 16:50