I have had problems creating a class like this for this JSON string. I ask for your help with this serialization and deserialization of JSON because I searched but I still get an error when deserializar.
"Local": "1",
"CodProceso": "0000",
"CodInterno": "1800000053",
"CodExterno": "",
"Mensaje": "Creado Correctamente",
"ProductosErrados": ["", "", "", ""]
Class for JSON:
public Class mijson
Public Local As String
Public CodProceso As String
Public CodInterno As String
Public CodExterno As String
Public Mensaje As String
Public ProductosErrados() As String
end Class
I do not know if ProductosErrados
is well declared because the error is not specific.
This is where I get the error:
dim rpta miclasejson = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(Of miclasejson)(strRes)