I have a row, which I separate in columns and each column I separate again, always in equal parts
The problem is that the span goes out of its cabbages and goes to the other extreme.
.aggrid--units--detail-child {
.center {
text-align: center;
span {
word-wrap: break-word;
I leave an example of the Structure of the html.
Why the word-wrap: break-word; is not breaking my word? Thanks.
I edit to put more information:
I have the row and inside the cabbages of 3 because I'm going to have 4 orange squares. Within each col, of 3, is your row to be able to split it into 2 (col-md-6)
let result = '<div class="row">';
keys.forEach(key => {
value = objects[key];
content = value[0];
childKey = Object.keys(content);
result += '<div class="col-md-3 aggrid--units--detail-child">';
childKey.forEach(childs => {
result += '<div class="row">';
if (childs !== 'name') {
result += '<div class="col-md-6"><label>' + childs + '</label></div>';
switch (childs) {
case 'a':
result += '<div class="col-md-12 center"><strong>' + content[childs] + '</strong></div>';
case 'b':
result += '<div class="col-md-6"><a href="#" ><span>' + content[childs] + '</span></a></div>';
case 'mcp':
result += '<div class="icon col-md-6"><a href="#"><span>' + content[childs] + '</span></a></div>';
case 'd':
result += '<div class="avatar col-md-6"><span>' + content[childs] + '</span></div>';
result += '<div class="col-md-6"><span>' + content[childs] + '</span></div>';
result += '</div>';
result += '</div>';
result += '</div>';