I am making a system of online courses, and in the list of all courses offered to the public I would like to ignore what the user in session has already purchased.
I have two tables that are:
| idcurso | nombre | descripcion|
| 2547 | Html 5 + Css3 | texto |
| 2555 | Javascript | texto |
| 2568 | PHP | texto |
Another table called contest users , where courses acquired by users are stored
| id_usuarioxcurso | iduser | idcurso | fecha_inscripcion |
| 1 | 1 | 2547 | 2018-04-07 |
| 2 | 2 | 2547 | 2018-04-07 |
The query itself, assuming that the user id in session is 1 , should show the Javascript and PHP courses. Previously I made a join of the two tables that is as follows:
SELECT c.idcurso, c.nombre_curso, c.descripcion, u.iduser, u.idcurso FROM cursos c LEFT JOIN usuarioxcursos u ON c.idcurso=u.idcurso
With this sentence I get all of them, but the error that I have, even though with php I managed to remove the user's session password, shows me those of the other users. Example: If he user 1, user 2, user 3, have the same course purchased in the results would have repeated repeated course 2 times. (Note: in the initial consultation 3 times the course would be repeated) My wish is that if user 1 has acquired the course of Html 5 + css3, in the results you have:
| idcurso | nombre | descripcion|
| 2555 | Javascript | texto |
| 2568 | PHP | texto |
If someone could help me, thanks in advance