I'm scraping the web nowgoal.com. If you go to any game that appears on the main page, for example link you have several tables. Each table has on the right a series of options to the right of the Away column. When I try to select an option from the available ones, I get the following error.
WebDriverException: unknown error: call function result missing 'value'
(Session info: chrome=66.0.3359.117)
(Driver info: chromedriver=2.33.506120
(e3e53437346286c0bc2d2dc9aa4915ba81d9023f),platform=Windows NT 10.0.16299 x86_64)
In theory, the code is simple. I select the table, inside the table I select the drop-down menu, I display it with a click (until there without problems), I look for the option that I want (good) but when I click it the mentioned error jumps.
Any ideas? Is it because of Chrome and chromedriver versions? Except for that, everything else runs without failure. Greetings and thanks