Hide URL SonataBundle / Symfony


The problem is that I have a page which always shows "lapagina/web/app_dev.php/ES/" in the browser, regardless of the template you are viewing, when I add the "admin" lapagina/web/app_dev.php/ES/admin , load the dasboard of the SonataBundle and the URL is like this "lapagina/web/app_dev.php/ES/admin/dashboard/" , up to here all good, the problem is that when I start to move through the Sonata, the URL starts to show always in the uta that I am and I would like to always show this "lapagina/web/app_dev.php/ES/admin/dashboard/" route despite changing Sonata templates.

asked by Jano CL 16.04.2018 в 11:48

1 answer

___ erkimt ___ Hide URL SonataBundle / Symfony ______ qstntxt ___

The problem is that I have a page which always shows %code% in the browser, regardless of the template you are viewing, when I add the "admin" %code% , load the dasboard of the SonataBundle and the URL is like this %code% , up to here all good, the problem is that when I start to move through the Sonata, the URL starts to show always in the uta that I am and I would like to always show this %code% route despite changing Sonata templates.

______ ___ azszpr159011

Looking've come to the conclusion that as I wanted it "can not" is usually done by the server, either Apache "mod_rewrite" or IIS with "URL Rewrite" and is the solution that I have chosen.

answered by 25.04.2018 / 11:25