Avoid resubmitting form in cake php


I explain the problem, the user fills out the form and if you press f5 or update the page, the data you just entered is reinserted exactly the same, one of the options would be to validate that the id is not repeated, but in this case It is not valid since it is a self-infliction.


<div class="col-md-6">
    echo $this->Form->create('Need', array('class' => '', 'id' => 'msform'));
    <label class="lang" key="h1NeedForm">Aprovechemos el tiempo y comencemos</label>
    echo $this->Form->input('client', array('label' => array('text' => "¿Para que marca vamos a trabahar?",
            'key' => 'lblClient', 'class' => 'lang'), 'placeholder' => 'Dinos el nombre de tu empresa',
        'class' => 'validador txtClient lang', 'key' => 'txtClient'));
    echo $this->Form->input('need', array('label' => array('text' => "Escríbenos acerca de tu necesidad",
            'key' => 'lblNeed', 'class' => 'lang'), 'placeholder' => 'Agradecemos nos detalles muy bien la necesidad, '
        . 'es nuestro punto de partida para generar ideas quer fortalezcan la estrategia para resolverla.',
        'rows' => '4', 'class' => 'validador txtNeed lang', 'key' => 'txtNeed', 'style' => 'resize: none;'));
    echo $this->Form->input('objective', array('label' => array('text' => "¿Cuál es el objetivo?",
            'key' => 'lblObjective', 'class' => 'lang'), 'placeholder' => 'Que se quiere alcanzar con la'
        . 'solución de la necesidad, ¿Adquirir usuario? ¿Mejorar ventas? ¿Posicionar la marca? ... entre otros.'
        . ' Agradecemos nos detalles muy bien el objetivo.', 'rows' => '4',
        'class' => 'validador txtObjective lang', 'key' => 'txtObjective', 'style' => 'resize: none;'));
    $options = array(
        'class' => 'lang',
        'label' => 'Enviar y continuar',
        'key' => 'btnFormNeed'
    echo $this->Form->end($options);


 public function home() {
        if ($this->request->is('post'))
                if ($this->Need->save($this->request->data)) {
                            'date' => date("Y/m/d")
                   //$this->request->data = array(); este código me lo sugirieron pero no hacia absolutamente nada 
                    return false;
                 $this->Flash->error(__("No empty"));
        else {
            $this->Flash->error(__("Sino post"));

Previously I had this code in the controller inside the home function and it always came through the post

//return false;
        return false;
     else if($this->request->is('get')){
        return false;
     else if($this->request->is('post')){
 $this->Flash->error(__("post")); //siempre entraba p
        return false; 

Model Need.php complete

   App::uses('AppModel', 'Model');
class Need extends AppModel {
    public $validate = array(
        'client' => array(
            'rule' => 'notBlank'
        'date' => array(
            'rule' => 'notBlank'
        'id' => array(
            'rule' => 'notBlank'
        'need' => array(
            'rule' => 'notBlank'
        'objective' => array(
            'rule' => 'notBlank'
        'process' => array(
            'rule' => 'notBlank'


Router::connect('/Practica', array('controller' => 'pages', 'action' => 'home', 'home'));
Router::connect('/pages/*', array('controller' => 'pages', 'action' => 'display'));
require CAKE . 'Config' . DS . 'routes.php';

Image of repeated information, the "first" that appear were when filling the form, and the second when updating page with f5

I will share the routes, the driver function, the model, the form and an image of the repeated data in the database.

On the internet I found out and saw that the same thing happened in laravel, that the form was forwarded, but for cake I did not find a solution but I know that it should be, I am working on version 2.x but next week I will migrate my data at 3.x

Thanks for all the help provided.

PS: attached and all the controller and the deafult, although I do not think they interfere as I will paste them in case they serve to answer my problem.


 * Static content controller.
 * This file will render views from views/pages/
 * CakePHP(tm) : Rapid Development Framework (https://cakephp.org)
 * Copyright (c) Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (https://cakefoundation.org)
 * Licensed under The MIT License
 * For full copyright and license information, please see the LICENSE.txt
 * Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice.
 * @copyright     Copyright (c) Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (https://cakefoundation.org)
 * @link          https://cakephp.org CakePHP(tm) Project
 * @package       app.Controller
 * @since         CakePHP(tm) v 0.2.9
 * @license       https://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php MIT License
App::uses('AppController', 'Controller');
 * Static content controller
 * Override this controller by placing a copy in controllers directory of an application
 * @package       app.Controller
 * @link https://book.cakephp.org/2.0/en/controllers/pages-controller.html
class PagesController extends AppController {
     * This controller does not use a model
     * @var array
    public $helpers = array('Html', 'Form', 'Flash', 'Js' => array('Jquery'));
    public $components = array('Flash', 'RequestHandler');
    public function index() {
        $this->set('posts', $this->Post->find('all'));
    public function prueba(){
        return "hola";
    public function home() {        
     //return false;
        return false;
     else if($this->request->is('get')){
        return false;
     else if($this->request->is('post')){
        return false;
        //return false;
        if ($this->request->is('post'))

                if ($this->Need->save($this->request->data)) {
                            'date' => date("Y/m/d")
                    return false;                                      
                 $this->Flash->error(__("No empty"));
        else {
 $this->Flash->error(__("Sino post"));
        public function fullClient() {

        if ($this->request->is('post')) {
            //        $information = $this->data['Cliente']['informacio'];
            $client = $this->data['Client']['cliente'];
            $user = $this->data['Client']['usuario'];
            $password = $this->data['Client']['clave'];
            $password = password_hash($password, PASSWORD_DEFAULT);
            //$posicion_coincidencia = strrpos($cadena_de_texto, $cadena_buscada, -20);
//        $this->Flash->error(__($hola));
            $consult = $this->Client->find('count', array(
                'fields' => array('usuario'),
                'conditions' => array('usuario LIKE ' => $user)));
//            $aaa= $aaa['Client'];
            if ($consult == 0) {
                if ($this->Client->save($this->request->data)) {
                        'rol' => 'Cliente',
                        'clave' => $password
                    $consult = $this->Client->find('all', array(
                        'fields' => array('usuario'),
                        'conditions' => array('usuario LIKE ' => $user)));
                    $id_client = $consult[0];
                    $data = array(
                        array('procesos_id' => 11112,
                            'clientes_id' => $id_client['Client']['usuario'],
                            'fecha' => date("Y/m/d")),
//                $this->Need->create();
//                $this->Need->save($data);
                    $this->Flash->error(__('Your informatio was save'));
                    return $this->request->data;
                $this->Flash->error(__('Your informatio wasn't save'));
            } else {
                $this->Flash->success(__("El nombre de usuario que elgiste ya existe"));
    public $uses = array();
     * Displays a view
     * @return CakeResponse|null
     * @throws ForbiddenException When a directory traversal attempt.
     * @throws NotFoundException When the view file could not be found
     *   or MissingViewException in debug mode.
    public function display() {
        $path = func_get_args();
        $count = count($path);
        if (!$count) {
            return $this->redirect('/');
        if (in_array('..', $path, true) || in_array('.', $path, true)) {
            throw new ForbiddenException();
        $page = $subpage = $title_for_layout = null;

        if (!empty($path[0])) {
            $page = $path[0];
        if (!empty($path[1])) {
            $subpage = $path[1];
        if (!empty($path[$count - 1])) {
            $title_for_layout = Inflector::humanize($path[$count - 1]);
        $this->set(compact('page', 'subpage', 'title_for_layout'));

        try {
            $this->render(implode('/', $path));
        } catch (MissingViewException $e) {
            if (Configure::read('debug')) {
                throw $e;
            throw new NotFoundException();


 * CakePHP(tm) : Rapid Development Framework (https://cakephp.org)
 * Copyright (c) Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (https://cakefoundation.org)
 * Licensed under The MIT License
 * For full copyright and license information, please see the LICENSE.txt
 * Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice.
 * @copyright     Copyright (c) Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (https://cakefoundation.org)
 * @link          https://cakephp.org CakePHP(tm) Project
 * @package       app.View.Layouts
 * @since         CakePHP(tm) v
 * @license       https://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php MIT License
$cakeDescription = __d('cake_dev', 'Seadog Creative Labs');
$cakeVersion = __d('cake_dev', 'CakePHP %s', Configure::version());
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!--<html oncontextmenu="return false"> -->
        <?php echo $this->Html->charset(); ?>
            <?php echo $cakeDescription ?>:
            <?php echo $this->fetch('title'); ?>
        echo $this->Html->meta('icon', '/favicon.ico', ['type' => 'image/ico']);
        echo $this->Html->meta(['name' => 'robots', 'content' => 'noindex']);
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//        echo $this->Html->css('reset.min');
//        echo $this->Html->css('bootstrap-formhelpers.min');
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//        echo $this->Html->css('jquery.timepicker.min');
        echo $this->Js->writeBuffer();
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        <div id="container">

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            <div id="content">
                $here = $this->request->here(true);
                if (strpos($here, "?") !== false) {
                    $hola = explode('?', $here);
                    $hola[1] = str_replace('=', '', $hola[1]);
                    if (strpos($hola[1], 'publicidad') !== false) {
                        echo "publicidad";
                    } else if (strpos($hola[1], 'marca') !== false) {
                        echo "Marca";
                    } else if (strpos($hola[1], 'experiencia') !== false) {
                        echo "Experiencia de usuario";
                } else {
                    echo "";
                <?php echo $this->Flash->render(); ?>
                <?php echo $this->fetch('content'); ?>
                                <select class="selectpicker" data-width="fit">
                    <option  data-content='<span class="flag-icon flag-icon-co" value="es"></span> Español'>Español</option>
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                <?php // echo $this->Html->script('jquery.timepicker.min'); ?>
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                <?php echo $this->Html->script('bootstrap.min'); ?>
                <?php // echo $this->Html->script('bootstrap-datepicker.min'); ?>
                <?php echo $this->Html->script('myScript'); ?>
                <?php // echo $this->Html->script('jquery.easing.min'); ?>
                <?php //echo $this->Html->script('bootstrap-formhelpers.min'); ?>
                <?php echo $this->Html->script('https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/bootstrap-select/1.6.2/js/bootstrap-select.min.js'); ?>
                <?php echo $this->Html->script('https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/bootstrap-select/1.6.2/js/bootstrap-select.min.js'); ?>
            <div id="footer">
                <div class="form-inline row">

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                    <div class="form-group col-xs-6 col-sm-3 col-md-3">
        <?php echo $this->element('sql_dump'); //muestra consultas sql ?>
asked by Andrés Vélez 11.04.2018 в 22:30

1 answer


Instead of returning false , you can do a redirect so that the request returns to be GET and the form is not sent again when reloading the page

public function home() {
    if ($this->request->is('post'))
            if ($this->Need->save($this->request->data)) {
                        'date' => date("Y/m/d")
               // Aquí redireccionas a la vista que estabas
               // Me imagino que pages home (?)
                return $this->redirect(array('controller' => 'pages', 'action' => 'home'));
             $this->Flash->error(__("No empty"));
    else {
        $this->Flash->error(__("Sino post"));

This is called POST / REDIRECT / GET (PRG)

answered by 11.04.2018 / 22:42