Problems with my web app once upload to the server


I will try to be clear, I have developed a multi-client web app, I do not know if it is correct to call it. The issue is that the app of the user part does not find the files of styles, images among others, etc. The structure of the app consists of the following:

  • Admin folder.
    • files.
    • css.
    • inc.
    • documentos.php admin
  • User folder.
    • admin
      • files. (symlink files - admin folder.)
      • css (symlink css - admin folder.)
      • inc (symlink inc - admin folder.)
      • documents.php admin (These are independent, there is no symlink)
    • css.
    • inc.
    • user.php documents (These are independent, there is no symlink)
  • Client folder.
    • admin. (symlink admin - user folder)
    • local.
    • user.php documents (symlink user folder)

The problem arises as it said that once uploads to the server, it does not find the files related to relative routes as it did in the local server, first I tried to do the following at the beginning of the documents to obtain the relative routes:

But I do not know if this is correct, I'm doing it wrong or something is missing because I do not get any results. Thank you very much, for your attention to my message and if someone can tell me something or give me a solution it would be great. Greetings.

asked by Sergio Fuentes 11.04.2018 в 18:05

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