Confidence intervals of a mixed linear model (lme) in R


From a mixed linear model (lme), I am interested in obtaining the confidence intervals (CI) of all levels of the fixed factors. With the function intervals() I get the interval of the intercept, as a referent, and only of some levels, but not all. Do you know how I can obtain the CIs of all the levels?

The model is as follows:

Ca <- lme(fixed = Ca ~ ano+manejo, data = mc1, random = ~ 1 | parcela/subparcela, control=list(maxIter=1000, niterEM=1000))

intervals(Ca, which = "fixed")
Approximate 95% confidence intervals

 Fixed effects:
                lower      est.     upper
(Intercept)  6113.837  6960.000 7806.1632
anosiete    -2067.245 -1503.333 -939.4221
manejoO     -2112.795 -1154.167 -195.5381

missing the parameters of another year and type of management

asked by Dana 12.04.2018 в 02:14

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