To answer your question it is useful to understand that MySQL handles several types of time zone settings:
system time zone
current server time zone
time zone per connection
Consequently, when you use:
SET time_zone = "-05:00";
what you do is set a time zone per connection . That is, the possibility 3 mentioned above:
Time zones per connection
Each client that connects has its
own time zone configuration, given by the session variable
Initially, the session variable takes its value from the
global variable time_zone
, but the customer can change their own
Time zone with this statement:
SET time_zone = timezone;
MySQL Documentation
To complete the information, I will put you as the other configurations work:
The system's time zone.
When the server starts, it tries to determine the time zone of the
host machine and use it to set the system variable
The value does not change after that.
You can set the system time zone for the MySQL server to
start with the --timezone = timezone_name
option in mysqld_safe .
You can also set it by setting the environment variable TZ
before starting mysqld . The allowed values for --timezone
or TZ
depend on the system. Consult your system documentation
operative to see what values are acceptable.
MySQL Documentation
The current time zone of the server.
The global system variable time_zone
indicates the time zone in which the server is
currently operating. The initial value for time_zone
which indicates that the time zone of the server is the same as the zone
system time.
The time zone value of the initial global server can be
explicitly specify at the beginning with the option
--default-time-zone = timezone
on the command line, or you can use
the following line in an options file:
If you have the privilege SUPER
, you can set the value of the zone
time of the global server at run time with this
SET GLOBAL time_zone = timezone;
MySQL Documentation
From all the above we can deduce that the time zone is established at the server level, not at the table level. And that the scope of it can be partial (per session) or global, as the case may be.