I am following a course for beginners. In the following example I do not understand the use of x% in the line
t.pencolor (colors [x% len (family)]) # Rotate through the colors
If someone can explain it to me, I would appreciate it.
I leave the entire program here.
# SpiralFamily.py - prints a colorful spiral of names
import turtle # Set up turtle graphics
t = turtle.Pen()
colors = ["red", "yellow", "blue", "green", "orange",
"purple", "white", "brown", "gray", "pink" ]
family = [] # Set up an empty list for family names
# Ask for the first name
name = turtle.textinput("My family",
"Enter a name, or just hit [ENTER] to end:")
# Keep asking for names
while name != "":
# Add their name to the family list
# Ask for another name, or end
name = turtle.textinput("My family",
"Enter a name, or just hit [ENTER] to end:")
# Draw a spiral of the names on the screen
for x in range(100):
t.pencolor(colors[x%len(family)]) # Rotate through the colors
t.penup() # Don't draw the regular spiral lines
t.forward(x*4) # Just move the turtle on the screen
t.pendown() # Draw the next family member's name
t.write(family[x%len(family)], font = ("Arial", int((x+4)/4), "bold") )
t.left(360/len(family) + 2) # Turn left for our spiral