Sending emails with Codeigniter


I'm stuck with this, I have the following driver:

function prueba_envio_email()
    $config = Array(
        'protocol' => 'smtp',
        'smtp_host' => 'ssl://',
        'smtp_port' => 465,
        'smtp_user' => '[email protected]',
        'smtp_pass' => 'micontrasena'


    $this->email->from('[email protected]');
    $this->email->to('[email protected]');
    $this->email->subject('Email test');
    $this->email->message('It is working!');

    if ($this->email->send())
        echo "email enviado";


Following a YouTube tutorial, I modified a couple of files.

php.ini and sendmail.ini in the XAMPP folder.

From sendmail.ini
[email protected]

And the php.ini

sendmail_path="\"C:\xampp\sendmail\sendmail.exe" -t"

I have also tried to send it with port 465, which I had seen elsewhere.

And I have tried to do it in two ways, using the codeigniter driver and using a simple php file with this content:


$message = "hola que tal estas";
$headers = "From: [email protected]";
mail("micorreoelectronico","Testing", $message, $headers);
echo "test hecho por mi";


In the end I get the driver to return the message that the email has been sent, both the "autoenvio" to my gmail mail and another that I have hotmail but nothing comes to me.

I have also looked at some forum posts but there is different and diffuse information. Or so I think.

Does anyone who has worked with this know where the shots can go? Thanks.

asked by ZocrateZ 04.04.2018 в 19:17

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