I am working with the loadata but mysql if you accept the "" but not php, so I decided to insert all the raw data (with loadata but using only varchar fields) in a table for later on those fields to do operations, my problem it is in the last consultation
in update tablatemporal="accepted" quiseria in the same query
It turns out that my status_bboo I am leaving as accepted when I submit to several conditions to see if it remains as accepted or rejected, could then go through the table with php but are thousands of data then when making the update I want to make the condition of if supertoke_id its length is greater than 5 and less than 10 is accepted, I did it with the inflated loadata,
at the moment I do not have access to the system but I want to know if something can be done in the query
WHEN LENGTH(@supertoken_id)<10 && @supertoken_id REGEXP ('^[0-9]+$') && LENGTH(@supertoken_id)>5 THEN 'Aceptado'
ELSE 'Rechazado'