Notice: Undefined variable: userid in


I'm running a code but it marks these errors:


Notice: Undefined variable: userid in   C: \ xampp \ htdocs \ Edu \ profile.php on line 69


Notice: Undefined variable: followerid in   C: \ xampp \ htdocs \ Edu \ profile.php on line 69

What I understand is that it happens when a variable is not defined, but in my case, I do have those variables defined! I share my code:



 $isFollowing = False;

 if (isset($_GET['email'])){

    if(DB::query('SELECT name, email FROM registroalumnos WHERE email=:email', array(':email'=>$_GET['email']))){

         $name = DB::query('SELECT name, email FROM registroalumnos WHERE email=:email', array(':email'=>$_GET['email']))[0]['name'];
         $email = DB::query('SELECT email FROM registroalumnos WHERE email=:email', array(':email'=>$_GET['email']))[0]['email'];
         $userid = DB::query('SELECT id FROM registroalumnos WHERE email=:email', array(':email'=>$_GET['email']))[0]['id'];
         $followerid = login::isLoggedIn();

                if (isset($_POST['follow'])) {

                    if($userid != $followerid){

                        if (!DB::query('SELECT follower_id FROM followers WHERE user_id=:userid, AND follower_id=:followerid', array(':userid'=>$userid, ':followerid'=>$followerid))){
                               DB::query('INSERT INTO followers VALUES (null, :userid, :followerid)', array(':userid'=>$userid, ':followerid'=>$followerid));
                        } else {
                                echo 'Ya lo sigues!';

                        $isFollowing = True;

     if (isset($_POST['unfollow'])) {
                        if ($userid != $followerid) {
                                if (DB::query('SELECT follower_id FROM followers WHERE user_id=:userid AND follower_id=:followerid', array(':userid'=>$userid, ':followerid'=>$followerid))) {

                                        DB::query('DELETE FROM followers WHERE user_id=:userid AND follower_id=:followerid', array(':userid'=>$userid, ':followerid'=>$followerid));
                                $isFollowing = False;
                if (DB::query('SELECT follower_id FROM followers WHERE user_id=:userid AND follower_id=:followerid', array(':userid'=>$userid, ':followerid'=>$followerid))) {
                        //echo 'Ya lo sigues!';
                        $isFollowing = True;

    }else {
        die('Usuario no encontrado');


HTML (which is where the error marks me) apparently on the line: if ($userid != $followerid)

<form action="profile.php?email=<?php echo $email; ?>" method="post">
        if ($userid != $followerid) {
                if ($isFollowing) {
                        echo '<input type="submit" name="unfollow" value="Dejar de seguir">';
                } else {
                        echo '<input type="submit" name="follow" value="Seguir">';


And if you can observe, in my PHP, if the variables are defined.

asked by Antonio Alejos 06.04.2018 в 07:16

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