C # insert data null


You could support me I'm new, I'm migrating data from Oracle to SQL server but the problem is that I'm trying to insert data and everything was fine, until I came up with the following: When inserting the data there are null fields and I do not know how to correct it.


** Error managerid there I have the null fields. managerid = reader3.GetInt32 (2);

It tells me there is no data and it causes error. **

            cmd2.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM DEPARTMENTS";
            cmd2.Connection = conectar;
            cmd2.CommandType = CommandType.Text;

            SqlCommand insert3 = conectarsql.CreateCommand();
            insert.CommandType = CommandType.Text;

            int departmentid;
            string departmentname;
            int managerid;
            int locationid;
            OracleDataReader reader3 = cmd2.ExecuteReader();
            reader = cmd2.ExecuteReader();

            while (reader3.Read())
                departmentid = reader3.GetInt32(0);
                departmentname = reader3.GetString(1);
                managerid = reader3.GetInt32(2);
                locationid = reader3.GetInt32(3);

                insert.CommandText = "INSERT INTO DEPARTMENTS VALUES('" + departmentid + "','" + departmentname + "','" + managerid + "'," + locationid + ")";
                //FIN INSERT DEPARTMENTS
asked by Bau Doo 15.04.2018 в 09:46

1 answer


You are trying to assign an integer a NULL value, and that is not possible. Try it like this:

managerid = reader3.GetInt32(2) ?? 0;

With this, what you do is give it a default value, in this case 0, whenever 'reader3.GetInt32 (2)' has a NULL value.

answered by 15.04.2018 / 10:23