I have an android application connected by webservice to a database in Mysql, when I add rows to an already created table I get to number 12 and from there it does not let me add more, since when I open the application to see that data , they do not appear, I tried with the browser and the same thing happens.
My php file is this
$host = 'localhost';
$bd = 'tecnomas_addonskd';
$conex = new PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=tecnomas_addonskd","$user","$pass");
$res = $conex->query("SELECT * FROM 'addon_spanish' WHERE 1");
$datos = array();
foreach ( $res as $row) {
$datos[] = $row;
echo json_encode($datos);
The line I try to add is the following
(13, 'Vodmx', 'Peliculas – series – infantil – deportes – anime', 'Repo desde la fuente - addons video', 'http://repo.vodmx.tv/', 'Admin', 0, 0, 'https://cldup.com/bDKQml2nHo.jpg')
I do not know if it's because of the line or because I need to configure something, the structure of the database is
I add operation capture of the table
2nd Edition
I'm inserting the data from the same phpMyAdmin
Now row 13 if you read it, I was reviewing and I think it was an inconvenience with accents, change it but after 14 the same thing happens.
Without adding the row with id 14
Adding the row with id 14
The primary key is the id, when exporting the table to see everything in code I get the following .sql file, I think it can help to solve the why it does not read some rows
-- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump
-- version 4.7.3
-- https://www.phpmyadmin.net/
SET time_zone = "+00:00";
/*!40101 SET NAMES utf8mb4 */;
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Estructura de tabla para la tabla 'addon_spanish'
CREATE TABLE 'addon_spanish' (
'id' int(10) NOT NULL,
'name' varchar(30) COLLATE latin1_spanish_ci NOT NULL,
'content' varchar(100) COLLATE latin1_spanish_ci NOT NULL,
'instalation' varchar(100) COLLATE latin1_spanish_ci NOT NULL,
'patch' varchar(50) COLLATE latin1_spanish_ci NOT NULL,
'user' varchar(15) COLLATE latin1_spanish_ci NOT NULL,
'likes' int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
'dislikes' int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
'logo' varchar(70) CHARACTER SET latin1 NOT NULL
) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_spanish_ci;
-- Volcado de datos para la tabla 'addon_spanish'
INSERT INTO 'addon_spanish' ('id', 'name', 'content', 'instalation', 'patch', 'user', 'likes', 'dislikes', 'logo') VALUES
(1, 'Compus1286', 'Live Tv - Peliculas - Series', 'Fuente - Video Addons - Addon', 'http://compus1286.com/compus1286_repo/', 'Admin', 0, 0, 'https://cldup.com/FPY4xiaTs8.png'),
(2, 'Bassfox', 'Peliculas - Tv en vivo - Musica - Radio - Salud - Fitness', 'Repo Bassfox desde la fuente - Addons de video', 'https://tecnomasterlh.com/addons/', 'Admin', 0, 0, 'https://cldup.com/f08TRiF-_p.png'),
(3, 'Movies PR', 'Peliculas - Series', 'Repo INTRCOMP MEDIA - Addons de video', 'http://intrcomp.net/intrcomp/', 'Admin', 0, 0, 'https://cldup.com/et_azpLoL6.png'),
(4, 'Avezy', 'Deportes', 'Fuente - Addons deportivos - Addons', 'http://catoal.org/', 'Agustin', 0, 0, 'https://cldup.com/eSVJIh-OkU.png'),
(5, 'Insomnia', 'Anime - Peliculas -Series - Noticias - Musica', 'Fuente - Plugins', 'http://canalnereo.com/canalnereo/', 'Admin', 0, 0, 'https://cldup.com/GG9XoMFvUj.png'),
(6, 'Colombia Tv', 'Tv online (solamente canales de colombia)', 'Addon desde la fuente', 'https://tecnomasterlh.com/addons/', 'Admin', 0, 0, 'https://cldup.com/3oYAqBlets.png'),
(7, 'Americano Tuga', 'IPTV - Tv 24/7 - Movies 1080p - Tv Shows', 'Repo vipsecrettv - Addons de video', 'http://vipsecret.amerikanotuga.tech/VipSecrettv/', 'Admin', 0, 0, 'https://cldup.com/iUsnXq0OwF.png'),
(8, 'Exabyte Tv Privado', 'IPTV (requiere registro en su web oficial)', 'Addons desde la fuente', 'http://exabytetv.info/repo/', 'Danzig28', 0, 0, 'https://cldup.com/JiKAPPnfoJ.png'),
(9, 'Palantir', 'Peliculas - Series - Secciones infantiles', 'Fuente - plugins', 'http://canalnereo.com/canalnereo/', 'Admin', 0, 0, 'https://cldup.com/9bBSKnN006.jpg'),
(10, 'Zerov', 'Peliculas - Series - Anime - Musica - Tv', 'Repository desde la fuente - addons de video', 'https://www.free.zerovblack.com/', 'Admin', 0, 0, 'https://cldup.com/GpdqXhF_Wp.jpg'),
(11, 'Mundo Infantil', 'Peliculas - Series infantiles', 'Repository Colussus - addons de video', 'http://mybuild.darkwebrepo.gq/install/', 'Admin', 0, 0, 'https://cldup.com/HKz3aq1Cff.jpg'),
(12, 'JHG Master', 'Contenido completo (video)', 'Fuente - Repos - JHG Repo - Addons de video', 'https://tecnomasterlh.com/addons/', 'Admin', 0, 0, 'https://cldup.com/IhV2NHqPeg.jpg'),
(13, 'Vodmx', 'Peliculas ', 'Repo desde la fuente - addons video', 'http://repo.vodmx.tv/', 'Admin', 0, 0, 'https://cldup.com/bDKQml2nHo.jpg'),
(19, 'Planeta', 'Documentales - Video animales - Videos Naturaleza', 'Fuente - plugins', 'http://canalnereo.com/canalnereo/', 'Admin', 0, 0, 'https://cldup.com/v_1vNf_DnF.jpg');
-- Índices para tablas volcadas
-- Indices de la tabla 'addon_spanish'
ALTER TABLE 'addon_spanish'