Load Combobox in VB.NET with two parameters


I have the following statement that the CB loads with the parameters that the Finality class has that filters by states.

Private Sub cargarFinalidades()
    Dim dtFinalidades As DataTable

    With ucFinalidad
        .ProcedimientoAlmacenado = "ConsultarFinalidades"
        .NombreCampoCodigo = "idFinalidad"
        .NombreCampoDescr = "Descripcion"
        .ConexionAct = Conexion.Instancia()
        .txtCodigo.Format = TextBoxConFormatoVB.tbFormats.UnsignedNumber
        .txtCodigo.MaxLength = 4
     End With


Namespace GestionMedica.HistoriaClinica
    Public Class Finalidad

        #Region "Tipos de Finalidad"
        Public Const CONSULTA As String = "C"
        Public Const PROCEDIMIENTOS As String = "P"
        #End Region
    End Class

End Namespace

What I need to load that CB is both the information that is under the type of purpose C and in the P without editing as such this class, such as adding more appearances to that query

asked by Daniel Soto 08.03.2018 в 17:49

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