I'm trying to calculate the distance between coordinates, the data to be compared comes from an sql query and a geojson.
The query data are points that correspond to properties while the json data are vias.
I need to take the first point and calculate the distance to the nearest road, so on with all the points of the query within a radius of 20 KM, if you do not find anything in that radius the exit is' There are no roads nearby '.
I managed to get to read the data of the query and I am stopped when reading the json and calculate the distances in that radius.
import geopandas as geo
import pyodbc
cnn = pyodbc.connect('Driver={SQL Server};Server=****;Database=****;uid=****;pwd=****')
sqlcmd = ("Select lng, lat from inmuebles \
inner join InmuebleDivisionPolitica b on a.idInmueble = b.idInmueble \
inner join DivisionPolitica c on c.idDivisionPolitica = b.idDivisionPolitica \
inner join Direccion d on d.idDivisionPolitica = c.idDivisionPolitica where d.geom is not null")
cursorConsulta = cnn.cursor()
sh = geo.read_file('C:\Ferrocariles\ViasServicioPasajerosActivos.shp')
with open('C:\Ferrocariles\ViasServicioPasajerosActivos.geojson', 'w') as f:
for r in cursorConsulta:
latOrigen = str(r[1])
lngOrigen = str(r[0])
the geojson data by way of example are the following
"type": "FeatureCollection",
"features": [
"id": "0",
"type": "Feature",
"properties": {
"Name": "L�nea G - Buenos Aires - Tapiales",
"RAMAL": "G",
"KM": 16.62,
"CABECERAS": "Buenos Aires - González Catán",
"SERVICIO": "Trenes urbanos en el AMBA",
"CONCESION": " (Estatal, Nación)",
"geometry": {
"type": "LineString",
"coordinates": [
"id": "1",
"type": "Feature",
"properties": {
"Name": "L�nea G: Tapiales - Gonzalez Catan",
"RAMAL": "G",
"KM": 18.47,
"CABECERAS": "Buenos Aires - González Catán",
"SERVICIO": "Trenes urbanos en el AMBA",
"CONCESION": " (Estatal, Nación)",
"geometry": {
"type": "LineString",
"coordinates": [