Execute command together with file in a .bat file


I am trying to create a .bat file to be able to boot the gulp system that I have.

What I do so far is open a DOS console, go to the path 'D: \ my_project \ gulp \ bin' then run the command 'gulp.js serve' and it starts with it.

I want to automate it in a .bat and for that I made a file with these instructions:

@echo off
D:\mi_proyecto\gulp\bin\gulp.js serve

But it does not work for me. I also tried putting quotation marks on the orders:

@echo off
D:\mi_proyecto\gulp\bin\"gulp.js serve"

But neither. Can someone please give me a hand with this? Thanks.

asked by Ucha 19.02.2018 в 12:44

5 answers


I found the form. The content of the .bat file must be this:

@echo off
cd D:\mi_proyecto\gulp\bin\
node .\gulp.js serve

What you do first is go to disk D with the line d: (since the file and the command that I want to execute are on my disk D). Then, the third line, causes the route to be positioned in the folder where the file that I want to execute is located. Finally, in the fourth line, node is the command that allows me to execute Javascript code (.js) and then the command serve is the one I use to start the server.

answered by 19.02.2018 / 17:03

I recommend that you do the following:

@echo off
cd D:\mi_proyecto\gulp\bin\
gulp.js serve

With the cd you are placing yourself in that directory.

Another option if you want everything in one line would be something like this:

@echo off
cd D:\mi_proyecto\gulp\bin\ && gulp.js serve

With the && allows you to make several orders in the same execution

Personally, I recommend the first option, since the second one has caused problems for me, although I'm not sure why.

answered by 19.02.2018 в 12:49

separates the instructions to change the unit with the directory change

@echo off
cd \mi_proyecto\gulp\bin
gulp.js serve
answered by 19.02.2018 в 13:32
@echo OFF
MODE con: cols=100 lines=30
@echo OFF
title servidor
cd D:\mi_proyecto\gulp\bin\
call npm server.js

You can also replace these commands

call npm start
start http://localhost:3000/ && call npm start

The other option is that you go to variable environment and configure your project to be executed from cmd with a single letter or number that you put to your file.bat

answered by 17.11.2018 в 06:12
@echo OFF
MODE con: cols=100 lines=30
@echo OFF
title Facebook
@echo OFF
title Facebook
echo.                               __               _                 _    
echo.                              / _^|             ^| ^|               ^| ^|   
echo.                             ^| ^|_ __ _  ___ ___^| ^|__   ___   ___ ^| ^| __
echo.                             ^|  _/ _' ^|/ __/ _ \ '_ \ / _ \ / _ \^| ^|/ /
echo.                             ^| ^|^| (_^| ^| (_^|  __/ ^|_) ^| (_) ^| (_) ^|   ^< 
echo.                             ^|_^| ^\__,_^|^\___\___^|_.__/ \___/ \___/^|_^|^\_\
echo.                                Autor :Luishiño Pericena Choque       
echo.                                https://lpericena.blogspot.com/ 
echo. Abrir Facebook en el navegador predeterminado.
echo.         [S] Si  
echo.         [N] No 
echo.         [C] Cancelar
set /p app= Seleccione una tarea [+]
if %app%==S goto :Si
if %app%==s goto :Si
if %app%==N goto :No
if %app%==n goto :No
if %app%==c goto :Cancelar
if %app%==C goto :Cancelar
start http://localhost:3000/ && call npm start
goto menu
call npm start
goto menu
cd ..
call facebook.bat

You must have installed node js and put in the variable path environment and the declaration of extension .js

answered by 17.11.2018 в 06:16